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temporary taciturn

this handset is heavy
comforting as a handgun
I toggle the switch and
hear some hum and
Outside the switcher hisses
its air dryer and rumbles
a content fever
I push the dirty speaker to
my ear already greasy
from a four day run
and dig in the old precious
coins...check their faces
carefully like old friends

and the operator comes
on..Please hang up and
try your call again..
I always do that
faces fascinate me
those going by slowly
on this cold night too
draw my shallow eyes
in this dim flickering light
toggle the switch
twice now..well thats
good luck
drop the coins in hearing
them clank through gets stuck
I give it the heel of an
impatient man

Phone rings twice
and gets picked up

and you are there
the gentle tired voice
of an angel
with the child in the
our hellos and the
regular talk to the
young one before
returning to you
"I'm freezing my ass
off baby" "can you
here the switcher
over here?"

I can hear the television
the happiness to talk
we have briefly seen one
another in passing in
the store....she is pretty
she likes that Im older
and that Im tall

the wind blows ice crystals
across the parking lot
from the lake..I can smell
the trains exhaust
and the people in the
cars at the lights are all
just shadows
staring at me
I dont even have a damned
I am not supposed to be
supposed to be at a meeting
but we meet
always from the same phone
sometimes its damp and
raining...once the phone
was busted

we talk about meeting
a bit about what we really
but nearing christmas
we just quit talking
my girlfriend finds out
shes pissed
has an affair

the phone calls were
okay...felt nice
i didnt get to talk to
my kid anymore

my pissed off girlfriends
kid hadnt arrived yet
life like the wind
and the phones sometimes
was just messed up

you look at the faces
of the value of what you
have feeling indifferent
letting the voice lead
you long.....being the
voice leading long

"I'll get back to you Kris
and hey kid...Shannon'll
come over and read you
on of those books your
mommy reads you!! yah
that'll be great!"

and I hang up

and I never use that phone
again....and In time they remove
it and a few of the smaller old the street
and put up something new

I live with my girlfriend and kid
and don't know where the
other temporary friends went

every winter near christmas I
pass the remaining phone
downtown and wonder
you want happiness
but sometimes just end up
messing up peoples idea
of what you want


Editing stage: 


That was fun. A phone booth. Gods I'm old. I haven't seen one in years except the emergency phones on the highway. I don't even have a land line anymore. If I saw one I would have to take a picture. I tried to explain what a rotary phone was like to some kids... didn't go well.
This is a terrific story.
Wish I had what it took to help you improve your poetry, but I'm afraid that would be over my head.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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phones..they are going more booths..
rotary..thats great!! the old copper still going...a lot of
new materials now though! ..
I loved the old Graffitti about them..stickers...
I got a cell phone just too poor to get it hooked up
unlocked and put on the basic plan...
so its just a recorder for sound bytes and photo
can even download it to my old hacked tower.
pirate tower I mean....

author comment

Great write as always, We still have the old Red phone boxes in the UK most are card operated though some retain their coin ways.
They sit by the road side here, there's one about a mile from here in the next village, parked in the middle of a row of Oak trees that have been planted for coronations over the years it is quite a history book just walking by them.
They each have a plaque to say what they are there for.
Will return tomorrow as I am out of time tonight it is 12-33
Take care young Wolf,
Yours as always, Ian

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Have had a formative effect in my youth...
Memories of parcelled conversations on the meter...coinage...flirting fun with potential boyfriends...rude interruptions from impatient phone users....graffiti...smell of piss and fags in older urban boxes...and the tactile metal dials...
Even had sex in one...very cold & uncomfortable & urgent...well, I was only 20!

So a very evocative write,
'Nuff said. Ells

twenty a marvelous age of conquer
and vanquish

far now but I still have the eyes
the voice the smile

I do love your language Ells
Urgent..I booths are
sexy...randy I find!

in my mispent youth I listened to
a punk band called BLONDIE
they did a remake called "Hanging
on the telephone" a favourite!!
many covers....

as I mentioned...thank U for your

author comment
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