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.............................temperance inertia...............................

like a flow
the break away
rattles of its heights
the hygiene touch
the delicate brush
and I
hiss an ember
duty bound
the call of its
the love of
a home thrift

comforted in its
gentle swell
the voice like
the dull like
soft as a prayer
encircling wall
into the static
and anger
waiting quiet
heat waves
in the drifts
for your wind
to blow across
my soul
and ignite
the fire
chase back
this dark


Editing stage: 


a new conversation
a muse corporate
and corporeal
how we change each
other in the inter
between the selves
and self
the other

gentle she asks
she says
my words leaping
the stride putting
did I ever touch

I listen to seether
she likes JB

what do you mean....

finding meaning
and the search
for one

as two

esker the ponder.....:(

author comment

the land scape of description fits very invariably the theme and focus of attention you wove to the plot, very excellent condensation

it does precipitate
from the cloud chamber
thoughts ideas

was reading your works the other day
must comment on them
our works are similar

thank U

author comment
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