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T R U N C H E O N ..S V E L T E .

Comely swoon
this dark pressed womb
atrophy of dreamalair sweep

the trickle fates await

Hold the hand
at this gate check torrent
Pupil black swallow
flit and fly
against the grain
the static voice
soothing lullabye

and dust storm scars
shall be forgiven
when we wake
and risen

Editing stage: 


Not sure what to say on this one I think you lost a few in the write there, I can reflect on the absolute of the Phlanax Gun and is this related to that weapon?, The Truncheon yes that's ok, but though I had to research a bit I think this needs a little nudge in the mind to fully understand.
Hope all things are well with you out there, know that we think of you,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

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