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Vice prick levelling the salt
the fingers bleed moist like a delicate
Brachhetto d Aqui

there are cool timid voices
the sister wells
thrown down a rope they sing

quick goes the bucket before they
can haul you in
a busband was what they wanted

so many voices singing in the rain
and terrace tops

Editing stage: 


You are reaching the Samuel Beckett stage
wolf man Steve,
mixed with fairy tales
and wishing wells
such places as are found in old Eire,
among the emerald green meadows
and beside the untamed sea.

Ann in a cloud

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

I know now a woman from Yorkshire whom I've
acquainted myself through the route of service
at the counter trade.. Her lands she radiates with
pride .. and then another from Wales in the lowlands
...there are others from the globe happenstance
to be here in the wilds of our Ontario North

I am grateful for the scapes of land we have

Thank You!

author comment

T A R A N T E L L I and Brachhetto d Aqui are hard to find on the www so the full poem was lost to me, Sorry!
I love the simplicity of the women at the well filling their lives hoping for a Husband, But you put a typo there and it made me smile a BUSBAND, I had the picture of a travelling group of players on a big red bus lol
Very much like Summer holiday with Cliff Richard Oh happy days.
I see that you have met a few down to Earth people in your travels from Yorkshire who tell it as it is, and from the beautiful lilt, from the tongue of the Valley's of Wales, you probably found the two most grand areas in the UK.
Take care out there and I await clarification of the first part of this write lol, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

are you talking about the death of tarantelli?
if so, ‘ busband‘ makes sense to me…
but I’m still trying to fathom the write, so maybe i am on the wrong tack ??

very intriguing
I really like the first stanza
the likening the blood to wine
and the first line has me captivated, though not enlightened lol

love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

I dont remember writing this so the meaning was lost
I put a lot of work into the title
maybe It will come back to me

About wishing well ghosts
and travellers
Im sure it had an oasis sense to it
but a well was close

I think it was about dreaming too
mystical dreaming
how it had its dangers
how we are drawn to the wat ers
of temptation of our own reflections
through others
like Heart Charlatans
that was what I meant
there now I had a look down
that well for a check

wait a minute I see
something beautiful
Let me just bend









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