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T i n c t u r e S l e e v e

thin winds
the bitter itch
douse the clamour
taste the touch

light fall down your
crooked hall

where smiles wither

drape the pooled sighs
with vellum promise
and feel the satin
heat of lonesome thighs

valley burden
rich and haunted
pooled like ready wheat
the swirl of your hair
at daybreak whisper

Editing stage: 


Your mind is a wonderous and magical place. Thank you for giving us a peek inside! I love the imagery and the flowing lines. Favorites:

drape the pooled sighs
with vellum promise
and feel the satin
heat of lonesome thighs

valley burden
rich and haunted
pooled like ready wheat
the swirl of your hair
at daybreak whisper

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

where sunlight gathers
like a whimper in the corner
moulds black promise
like a pool of night

old letters and photos curl
like crooked teeth
where night has come
to meet a daydream...

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