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Sumptious starvation

pearl eyes
you thin laced
a magicians bride
of make believe

the hallow trick of streets
delight you make me
crawl of what and might

I feed you realms
I feed you alms
I slide the press
across your palms

this lamplight torch
that hisses love
in its glass case
broken winged
like a dove

Style / type: 
Free verse
Editing stage: 


It is so good to have found you and to be reading one of your poems once again! A great and imaginative piece this!

I am wondering if in this line:

you thin laced

you meant to write you or your?

my favorite lines are:

this lamplight torch
that hisses love
in its glass case
broken winged
like a dove

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

just threw this one out there
I love goth music or emo
Placebo is a great one
Evanescense and others
Flowing Tears etc

"You thin laced sleeve"

I love costumes hats all that
garb and such
great for sketching
PJ HArvey sits and plays paino
in a period looking dress
Impressionist era style
"White Chalk"

sleeve denotes much
record sleeve
cd sleeve
an image of tatoos on arms
depicting story and meaning

Thin means pale for me or
thin storied as in mystery
or diaphorus in vision
like some people are kind
of misted or sketchy as the
kids say today

laced could mean drugs
or troubled history
or decorum of actual trim
The goth people love the
arm length gloves
laced could mean the histories
woven in delicate attire like
some people are cloaking
with their desirious mystery
their poison draw like the
magic beauty of the jimson weed

usual a spirit medium of escape
something tinged and dark
a song too dark
a girl too seeped in sepia
of want

and if it were spoken it would
be growly and rapturous like
a purr

A wonderful muse evoked in me
the music of NICK cave and his
voice is marvelous for thinking
lyrics aloud
I can somewhat sing along
and since practising my voice
has grown lower in tones

much like thinking and writing
like a poet Im now out and about
thinking in poet like lines
amazing sometimes

the fantasy genre of gaming
has created the illusions for
games some of the skilled
ones require thought tasks
and I remember an image
of the lamp light
one would not suspect an
item in the brightest of places
its an old trick

I love illusion Escher was an
old favourite

Im glad you liked this rather
dark poem
I have so many styles I have
not even begun to elaborate

this one was starting to form
back in Neopoet of Old
someone wrote a poem similar
to a Jack The Ripper esque
I miss that poet and the poem
its vivid yet in my head

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