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sun ignites the darkness
the lamps simmer to silence
leaves drip from the ink line
the seasons fleeting departure

Vamp of dreams
weary walk
I soothe the ache
of your talk
to the longing brush
of an arm or strands
of hair
subverting eyes
the flash of
competent hearts

A thousand islands
of thoughts
speaking waves
on rock and shoal

aircrafts landing
woke me from the
as the almost
angelic decision
to visit
was a speculative

cornucopia treasures
the smitten spell
as needed as mittens
brilliant in its
shards as frost


Editing stage: 


they were pale
eyes of the most interesting hues
and style of dress
unique then most
of the rest
Loved how they could
freeze hell over
and warm the
heart with the brazier
of the moments

the distance matched
my thousand yard
and love of macro
all things of scrutiny
and obsession


author comment

the beauty
coming out of your very eyes
from where visions
emanate so grand
hope they did
hold your hand...
imagery is metaphorical
like silvery sand

A lovely write, and you struck a cord with Loved.
Spent many a week in Canada during the start of winter and then touched by the Ice Queen, we named our helicopter The Ice Queen back in the 70's, damn it only seems like yesterday that I met another queen, the queen of hearts who stole mine but that's another story.
Take care young Wolf and remember if there is anything (small like a book) I can get here in the UK for you, then just say..
Yours as always Ian.T

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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