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Occupancy and lesser

thrown eccentricities.

My wheel is thick,
and the mile is wicked,
(burberry light frownings,
unicorn drownings)
In umber steerage
I heel!
elixir parties rush,
and the club crush.

"into the rushing beast of the night
sucked up by that great dragon to split
with my life with no flag,
no belly,
no cry."

A Sexton Qoute from

Eislen 2011

Editing stage: 


A very stirring piece! Especially this:

"into the rushing beast of the night
sucked up by that great dragon to split
with my life with no flag,
no belly,
no cry."

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

My mother used to read us passages to encourage us to flex
our minds eye

I remember this piece vividly that I quoted that you liked in the
comment feild. It is Ann's beautiful mind!

author comment

give her the credit for ur imagination


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