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of depth and silk like
the twitch of eye
alight like a ray
the beam that reaches
down from the heights
and smudges in its
dirt the knowledge
away by the rains
driving us down

the omnipotent rage
and rush
the push of light
and the break of
smashing us into
startled fear
while others
stood calmly
waiting round

in the hurl
we found
what was
spent and missing
the years
and age
like stars

and stretched
to tired to dream
while the
rose too
moved us
the scheme

Editing stage: 


esker you work so hard and your poetry shows off all your class------------- Kevin durant might come to the raptors after all

class......means a lot.....thank you......I keep working on these things here..
I try to put in a timeless feeling to them to not lock them into the system..
raptors could use him...thank you1

author comment

With your power of being and your words, you will prevail no matter what, as in there holding all things together is a strong good Spirit.
Loved the theme..
Go well young Wolf and join the hunt again,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

getting there.....same same no matter...age..or experience Ian because everything changes
protocol equipment etc......various changes.....enough to keep it new......
for a lot of things....

thank you!

author comment
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