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Soul Market

mark up on memories
'Iggy Pop' singing
the ragged guitar pop
'Gimme danger, little-stranger..'
Screwdriver in the back pocket
smelling of tension and stress
Varosol and chain oil
Dirt from potting the plants
(jobs set aside from winters long
pull over..adjust the settings
shifts now....the cables freeing
the hot afternoon sun
here is the trail section we ran
here is the favorite spots she
sniffed...this is where she would
look back on the lead and smile
and further...the stone culvert
on the curve...I would stand
leaning down as she stood
knee deep lapping the water
from the hill stream

new memories
and the living push the wheel
another klick
shoulder the sadness
like the joy once
and still

I lived woman
for pets...
no music
Hung about a friends today
for visit....a truck ride
two generations of friends
like people used to do

I still have a book half finished
spring cleaning
there is no sense in stopping
the green returns...
reminding me that life on all
levels continues
and like my daughter
dont look back with sighs
and sadness
but rebuild
that wall of support
and shelter will tend
the aches when need
keep them from fading
in the sun and bleaching
with the rain


Editing stage: 


Old trails, old memories some heartache, a life lived and more to come. Great to read about. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

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