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vestige vernacular
theres an itch smouldering
like a tricky ditch number
etched on the sketch
the nicotine sucked

growl "Lifes a bitch"

your a packet rack
stitched in jacked up

leg slink climb from
heels to help get you
through the weathers
tell me your name
"You can call me Heather"

Boot Heel King walks on
with the flame of neon
flickering in slits

Editing stage: 


like smackers stuff
teenagers in garbage pans
and pipes of unused drains


when a free mind looks
one can watch the front of the bus
through the window from ones seat
Or one can watch through the
wide window specific
Or one can watch the interior
and its faces

poetry would describe this as all
random patterning
and if done abst ractly it would
resemble so many diffferent

I like your take on this poem
how you see it Loved
When one buys poetry to read
there is rarely much behind the
poem to express what it is the
poet wants

What I want is people to flex their
minds and wander through it
and react to this

Your comment this morning upon
waking up and reading is a report
of poetry

they used to say
"I love how your mind works"
well Loved
I Love how y our poetry works!

Thank You

author comment

At times you amaze me

for many years
I have studied many a human mind
and I somehow find
that nature alone is only original
each mind is unusual
no two minds
even as in twins can one ever find
you give more credit to me at times
I find the other guy says
I fuck his mind …
hope you are not pulling mine
you do have the finest of human minds...


and ive been on this trail for years Loved
watching participating
removing and allowances in tolerances

your works speaks
and I listen

author comment

For this alone i adore you

''''your works speak
and I listen..''

You are that guiding light
I always looked towards heaven
day in day out
now that you read me
I have about myself
no doubt!


Poetry is highly individualized record-keeping. Some of us are stiff shirts with buttons always buttoned, never loosened ties, so to speak. Some of us are not.

It seems to me that some of us do our Neopoet *workshopping* in our own indomitable manner. May you always walk through the slits of daylight under the doors you open U2.


thank you


author comment
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