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wove fingers
dexterity slender
the light like a
morning decoy

mist upon the
of your most peculiar
like the poplar dew
on its life stirring
in its evening voice

dusk an embrace
of your power
you slake a shoulder
to the last breath
of sun
soft like a luxurious fire
basking in the moons
powder light

your dark hair
with ribbons
of luster

Editing stage: 


the repetition of the silver color in your writing, Looks like it is your favorite.
I also like it especially when it is well polished.:)
Nice extended metaphor Steve.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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gold is nice...but so valuable..gotta be bold to wear this....its dangerous too
that thrill that people like......i know what gold is.....long ago i worked near it
in a refinery...a simple task job....and i just cut sterling bars with a carbide
blade...over and over..enough time to read paper..go for walks...inventory
garbage people..old plant old and cool place
all gone now..the new order is everythings new...unless you have fam business
then its keep it the way it is..

like that old song...make new friends but keep the is silver and the other gold...

sterling always comes back
got a ring now...never know where
any of this comes from and i like
old does have something
with it....i sense it anyway..
i avoid it but being poor i have
too buy used not.. non touched items already..

its a warmth to it....a sheen
thats very pleasant
that wears well on me..
i love it..i see it more and more and more..

the light of the sky has this...before a bad storm
i find at times.....that mist...winter..summer. spring
fall...a the mirages out by our islands..
something going on with it...probably means
something to just have this kind of metal
its very precious.

thank you

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