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S A T C H E L ..P A C K E T

the glow sham
curtain dreams
are sliding

drawing a breadth
where livid light
will splice

ocular transmittance
these image jaunts
fall like random whispers

snug up the buckle
suck a breath
and swift away the false
cacophonous limp

slender wrist twitch
thrown care

from the edge of that bony hip
but I baby
dont scare

how you love
black thick
a stare of night

calamities tryst

Editing stage: 


The title had me lost and confused. But I loved these lines:

from the edge of that bony hip
but I baby
dont scare

how you love
black thick
a stare of night

calamities tryst

they pack a punch!
always, Cat

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And reply in kind, thanks.

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