Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Rhyku Rules!

No inanity
Refrain from profanity
Retain sanity

Last few words: 
As poets, as creators of written art, as inventors of new varieties of prose and poetry, it is our responsibility to use our skills in a professional manner paying due respect to our art, our fellow artists and to our written output.
Editing stage: 


I couldn't help but to notice the Haiku your father wrote and thanks to him I now know the meaning of 2 Japanese words....kigo & thanks pop's!
PS... he did nice rhyming too!


Gemma, you have prefaced your Rhyku with "Father...". If the Rhyku was penned by your father, then good for him. If it was your creation, it would be your accomplishment. In case it was your father's, then I suggest you take the Rhyku challenge, as Valene has successfully done, and create a Rhyku bearing in mind the Rhyku Rules. I am sure you are capable of doing so. Your shining through your effort will be better than reflected glory.

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Beg to differ on the subject of profanity.
A juicy strong word is often just the thing in context.

Did you get a Neopoet T-shirt? A new issue should be out soon. On the back it had the Salman Rushdie quote-
"A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it going to sleep."

It was a pretty interesting argument you stirred up with Vivovon on your poem "Western Medicine". Loved it. Found myself agreeing with him about the facts but agreeing with you on the right to say them. You know he wanted that poem censored? FMD! I bet you never thought it was that powerful.
Of course we didn't. Nothing ever gets censored on Neopoet except the most explicit, violent hate stuff.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Thanks for your response and I appreciate much more your affirmation of freedom of expression.

When 1984 was written it was far into the future. We have passed 1984 and welcomed a new century and Millennium but the themes of 1984 are making a comeback. It is ironic that in the two nations that were the original champions of modern democracy on 4 July 1776 and 14 July 1789 (Bastille day) are now having to face the idea of censorship and restriction of the rights of citizens.

I will take the liberty of agreeing with the poetic license statement but disagreeing with Rushdie's choice of target.  Hailing from the same South Asian region, I know that religion is a very powerful and stabilizing force for hundreds of millions of people, many of them still living a hand to mouth existence.  For a smart man, Salman was not that smart.  Living a comfortable upper class life in Britain and writing a book that targeted the religious sensitivities of many in South Asia and elsewhere whose only mooring to sanity was blind faith.  When some perceived their faith to have been slighted, a few took extreme measures to excoriate Salman and the rest is his story.  There are many issues that I feel strongly about but religion, that is a powerful stabilizing force for good in some of the poorest regions, should be left alone.  

Now, as far as my current issues with Western practitioners of medicine goes, I stand my ground firmly because my views are shaped by several negative incidents with medical malpractice and the loss of the lives of family members due to the malpractice.  Doctors of Western Medicine are paid highly, have a high regard in society and enjoy many privileges in my country where they are almost deified by the masses.  However, in almost all professions there is accountability and the risk of getting fired from the job for substandard work.  Some doctors dealing with the most precious human lives get away scot-free with the taking of lives.  Hence my strong feelings about my right to freedom of expression. 

Finally, on a slightly lighter matter, it is good to know that there is no glass ceiling for elves in Neopoet, unlike Santa's workshop.  I assume, based on your moniker, that what set you apart from the other elves worked in your favour and led to your rise in the rungs to power in the Neopoet hierarchy.

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Consider the Rushdie quote without Rushdie's name attached. As a statement it is pretty empowering to poets.
A certain not-to-be-named member recently left Neopoet because they felt all poetry should be about joy and easing pain, with no political content. Na ah. No way.

Please think Tolkein rather than Santa's helpers regarding Elves, we are magical warriors, not exploited labour [grins].

More seriously, Neopoet is not an autocracy, it is a democracy. Those of us with positions serve, we do not rule. That is why there is no electioneering. People take on tasks to serve the community. And not many people are willing to serve. If you want to help the site, believe me, we can find something for you to do. I could certainly use a hand dealing with social media. Volunteering for an Advocates or Greeters position would help to make sure everyone is seen and heard.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

As you fight the good fight, my forte is writing and if there is something I can right / write from my remote location armed with my keyboard and mouse, I will be willing to participate as a warrior of peace.

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How about becoming an Advocate or Greeter?
Advocates just make a commitment to read and critique, like all members, with an emphasis on new members, check out the 'Undiscovered Work' list to make sure no one is ignored and help reconcile the differences that sometimes crop up.
Greeters greet new members and help them find their way into the site for their first two week, like a temporary mentor.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

You are the Man.

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Just for you,
my very first try
at haiku.

After life,
death strolls boldly in;
ends all strife.

These were written so long ago I could not even guess their age.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy


Haiku format is 5 syllables-7 syllables-5 syllables

You have created a version with 3 syllables-5 syllables-3 syllables

You might have created a new format - Shaiku (Short Haiku)

My favourite format is my own Rhyku due to the rhyme and there is harmony in rhyme that is probably the reason why many good poems are in a rhyming format.

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Written at around the same time as those shorter pieces (which form I did not create).

I saw a haiku;
it was all in Japanese,
so what could I do?

Spring flowers in bloom,
young maiden modest and coy
til bride has her groom.

Christmas lights dancing
to icy wind’s dreamy play;
time for romancing.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy


Haiku penned with care
Words woven out of thin air
A natural flair

author comment

You've gotten the point across with your well chosen rhyming words. It obviously caught the attention of someone who doesn't normally write this form of poetry....aka gemma stoner's father. And I do like your response though I'd rather not be put in the middle here....LOL!
I will say that there are times when if someone is making a statement and feels a word of profanity will aid in getting their point across, it''s not the end of the world. Just a thought, no judgement intended.


but that does not mean I completely avoid the use of those words in correct context. There are no "swear words." They all have perfectly true English meanings.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

Can you swear that your assertion is true?

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but follow the admonition "Let your yes be yes, Your no, no" set out in the Bible book, James.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

Clear cut and praiseworthy response.

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You are to be commended for always expressing your views, no matter which side of the argument, in a civil,concise and intelligent manner with a dose of humour. You can serve as a role model for any members struggling to find their own voices and unsure of how to express themselves.

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(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.