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spring arrives
deadbolt eyes
the rusting room
in echo halls

the stray light wanders
in loves squander
caressing the forgotten
dirty locks

Editing stage: 


Nice short to the point. I can see the halls as summer arrives and the rusty rooms.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

the upper parts had eroded with time rain snow
place had been closed since the sixties and first opened
as world class place in twenties
we were contracting in new pole lines
and during lunch went touring the old haunt
a room downstairs held the remains of a piano
from a ceiling dripping rot and ruin
the piano looked melted the whole room looked
subermged like a shipwreck in the feeble light
from the curved halls beneath the rotunda

author comment

Awesome image for a poem

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

he stray light wanders
in loves squander
caressing the forgotten
dirty locks

I love the metaphors and imagery. Quite uniquely you!

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

as an imprisonment
institution marriage wreckage of childhood
sunlight giving warmth where a hand caring
may never have been

"they never stole her heart as viewing this valueless"

author comment

I wish I had a manual typewriter still
I loved my old Remington Rands
they make a lot of noise through
Incredible to see the font on paper

I love the small little note poems like

Thank You

author comment


Remnants of palaces owned once
I have seen
as in shadowed screams ,
as hallucinations
which once were dreams
since the emergence of time,
I still see the shadows
dark and still….
cobwebs of my mind,
but my nerves such occurrences don't kill
as I am the steel
behind caged minds,
holding my own hand,
as in the loneliness
of darkened ravines
I alone stand,
nothing can me kill!


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