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the water clutchs
banks of clay all gleaming dampness
this mottled blackness
neath dust sparce heaven
lays bondage deco scene

tangled claw of the crime
and a cry of bone white
soft as a mantle
go light the single candle
tracing yard love tear tracks
rocking home to music
the roots of fondness

torque develop
against the quarter
of nearness

shiny eyes ache and
follow corners in
the falling light
as sky hungry with
lavender wishs
pulls night along
like a lover through
the songs
of lullabye

Editing stage: 


And I was pulled along as well, placid in the act of being attentive. Always love the journeys of your writing.
This almost a fairy tail, the flight of the kids to the never land. But far more subtle of course. I feel there is an immediacy also, along with the sense of spontaneity that negates a desire to have perfect grammar etc.

shiny eyes ache and
follow corners in
the falling light
as sky hungry with
lavender wishs
pulls night along
like a lover through
the songs
of lullabye

Enormously inspiring, this last especially.



My dear friend always told me "Water the seeds of joy first"

You lulla bye me for sure
your lovely poetry,
I do surely adore
to the core,
what's more of desire can one dream
but a lulled up poem
up the stream,
of imagination
quivering faith
as I go off to sleep
lulled by your fabulosity
ere it does keep me
in a fairyland
I do see


Sunlight in the mists of spring falling through the trunks
and branches making shadows on grounded things
on water alive and curling within its banks happy to
be free of ice and full of light

Like dark lines and straps binding it to earth but
always frees itself like the shadows drawn to dusk

claw of crime

how we hold onto that which is neither ours
like life like that coveted within without
let it be and to share is more the want
then the take

bone white soft as a mantle
mists of spring
the fresh clouds
the static of vision at rest
in meditation

single candle for the yard we
inhabit we walk our inner garden
of moonlight of daylight where
we place the preciousness of

I remember seeing people
rocking on their beds in the psych
to music or on the bus Comforting
to them for them

and how we twist memory down
hold on dearly when anxious times
awake the dark devils inside
the ghosts alive and well waiting
that quarter of nearness
the share we hold onto

anxious eyes roaming the room
our memory search inside
(facial recognition texts can tell
what asset of memory is being
sought just by the direction of
eye movement...truth or lie too

Lavender wishs That colour of dusk
calming and tranquil

and we lead our lovers if we try
soothing with words
a story a tale
sonnets of care

(although not everyone had lullabye songs
of youth song to them they have knowledge
of them...a desire for them maybe..)

thats my poem Thank You all for the comments!!

author comment

as a lovely Epic.... Lulla -bye
you have an insight
and in-depth of the poeticity
we ,
mostly all lack


We are always entertained
our senses titivated by your pen
and such stories you weave through our minds
they stay a while afterwards to haunt us.

Nordic cloud

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.