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Did you just say
You’re not worth
A price tag?

If these words
Could turn into
First-class tickets,
I’d send them
To light the dark
Corners of your room.

I know you feel
Like an expired
Boarding pass,
But remember—
You’re on a flight
To a terminal,
Not just another

So if doubt asks
For your worth,
Tell him the register
Can’t count that high.

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

This poem effectively uses the metaphor of a journey to explore themes of self-worth and personal value. The comparison of the subject to an "expired boarding pass" is particularly evocative, suggesting feelings of being overlooked or discarded. However, the poem could benefit from further development of this metaphor. For example, the final stanza introduces the concept of a "register" which does not align with the travel imagery used throughout the rest of the poem.

The poem's structure is also worth examining. The short, fragmented lines create a sense of urgency and immediacy, which complements the poem's message. However, the lack of punctuation can make the poem difficult to read, and the use of enjambment in some places seems arbitrary rather than purposeful.

The poem's language is generally clear and accessible, but there are opportunities to incorporate more vivid and unique imagery. For example, the phrase "light the dark corners of your room" is somewhat clichéd and could be replaced with a more original description.

Lastly, the poem's message is powerful and important, but it could be conveyed more subtly. The direct address to the reader ("Did you just say / You’re not worth / A price tag?") is a bit heavy-handed and risks alienating readers who cannot relate to this specific experience. A more universal approach might be to explore the theme of self-worth more indirectly, allowing readers to draw their own conclusions.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

I love this poem, my favorite lines are:

If these words
Could turn into
First-class tickets,
I’d send them
To light the dark
Corners of your room.

*hugs, Cat

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