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our violence attracts
nes pas

you loathe for bruises
I loan work
the business
of worth

and yet

tension drawn
between us
is like the earth
and the moon
tides of passion
the twain never
shall meet


Editing stage: 


this is real for me too.
my girlfriend would have nothing but fluffy kittens.
but it often looks like taxidermy to me.

thanks for the connection . . . it helps me to be kind

petals and leather...

and leniency
kisses and spanking

world is always far flung

being loved and too loved

I've known and know
of the this and that
and the who and whom's
of the world
sometimes not understanding
sometimes understanding
all that lies upon the surface
and roils hungry beneath

Thanks for Commenting!

author comment

A deep piece on a serious theme,
Life is full of meetings
Partings bending to suit
Marking territory
Being everything
From submissive to active in many ways.
Life's struggles so well written of in this piece.
Go well,
Yours, Ian

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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