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...P E R S U A D E R E ...

enchantments drip
like kisses
down the springdrenched
long ago

upturned as a sigh
the miles of spendthrift

billowing with her yarns
and tales streaming
caught on the moons
sharp blade

cutting heart

sotto terse sonnets
the turned hip
glean of stars
like glitter dust
cool and arid

we are a thousand
from touch

we are a voice
to heavens

Editing stage: 


no great romance...
just the vestiges of what was gleaned
the few storm tossed nights..
the all night train runs
pulling into Union Station Toronto
to meet someone

she ..we..

we still write
Im cranking out poems
picturing what it was like
to live
what it was like to feel
that in a fast jagged flow

there was no time to
sugar coat the trip

try to sleep on a cold
coach rocking
keep an eye on my overnight
bag...a gut full of nerves


like writing
its like that trick to pull the
linen out from under the setting
for me its harder and easier
to just put a few things there

so much of writing is just
ending up with it all on the floor
but then thats the great thing about
it....I always thought I had to write
well from the get go but no

If I made it seemed like Im living
thats great Lonnie!!!
sometimes Im trying so hard to live
I forget that I really am at times

Thanks for reminding me of this friend!!

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