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Stern bound beneath this blaze
falls brilliant sun
the tether held fast
worn weathered
sky yearn last

we are shadows
leaving light
a place to rest
wrapped at our
edge with light
em passioned
steams beneath
the plates
the higher
and work in dust
the dreams are
the yoke has stuck

and we work the spokes
revolving round
the ghosts of longing
keep us bound
to what I've found
and left aside
falls haze and color
theses unphased times

doggerel mirth
and the snows new
will track us in the
mists of thee
the neary world
of a worlds work
and the single
in the veil of

Editing stage: 


is that it is so esoteric. People get used to a poet's style and yours, though often seemingly obscure is firmly based in reality and experience. I encourage you to pursue the esoteric but you need to work on making it more relatable.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

although I have many that have not been ignored..
not all poetry books published correctly or songsters works
are recieved well.....just happens...

like artowkr too of which I am an artist.. if I write Hallmark which everyone can do
as its an easy start...this would be too relateable.
I am not hearing anyting about what it is you liked about the peice
or otherwise...

maybe ignorance is bliss

I shall always pursue the esoteric!
and write what people clap their hands over too..
development peices..

If I was selling and making an income
a lot os songwriters and singers stick to the formulae
that works and write up contracts that limit their voice
and creative widths breadths and depths

this is your reason
I have heard no others as of yet
I am happy that you ventured forth to give this comment though
but if all my works were ignored I would understand myself that
there was something amiss also

its not about money
or stars
but about creation
and working at new ways of writing
that frankly at this time of a hundred years of
published poetry is and has been done over


sometimes reality and experience are there to
write about but people cannot write of it
either too painful
too sensitive a topic at times

layed cards enough to watch the good players
through out hands that other players know
is just a faux hand
to draw out people

its just missing the one key isnt it..
im sure in the years to arrive
I will add that key
its just a special key

poets are like word magicians
the illusion and depth are
something personal

Thank You!

You are correct!!

good observation!

author comment

I can't explain exactly why. Sorry, the words just seem to drift off into the ether. I can't find something to connect them to.
Of course you should not write for Hallmark, it would destroy you. I don't think, given how much shit I've given you over the years, you appreciate how much I love you as a poet and spiritual brother.

Just this poem I could not connect with. Try again on the same tack but make it ... connect. How can I say it? If I could I would be a better poet than you, which I am not.

You are the best modern poet I have ever read. That does not mean you can't get better.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

sometimes life to me seems like this brother..
I should be able to get it too..people my own motives at times..
and I have to throw my hands up ..get frustrated..
have words with people and get no where..

people want you to throw yourself under the bus for them
all the while you watch them throw themselves away for nothing
but thats life...
when they turn to you and ask you ..
It an impossible thing

all I do is write poetry
maybe some of the peices are just personal
without the puzzle elements to branch off
to build something

lately been in touch with the old crowd
and they tell me the same shit..
guillotine they say of me
hidden away
and hitting the middle

I dont know
dont have a clue
and thats great
I can write a clueless peice
and then sit and listen to Rdio
which I am still getting long after
my subscription should have run out..

I stay here to keep getting better
which slowly occurs..
if I had a life I keep writing I would be
trully too busy chasing the dollar..
as it is today I have fifteen cents in
my pocket..bills paid just..
just getting through knotholes I throw
myself into
finding out the weak links
and the strong ones whom come
forward to stand close and
put the break in the wall closed up..

if I hated soceity and didnt care much
at all..I would not have contact..
live in a bus..or a room and barely
come out...but I dont....
I dress with flourish and have a vocab
and talk with the top dogs and the bottom
dogs because its our village

and if we start to get rid of the top or the bottom
then its a very bad time for the world
which happens....

so far its holding its own

Best Modern Poet.....thank You Mr Elf!
this means a lot

happy and sadness comes with this
the people I wanted to show this too
are all dead
the ones I really started to do all this
for....but I think they may have missed
the point of it all anyway too.... audience is Neo
and all the other sites I keep writing
for.....I love being a raw writer..raw poet
belonging without belonging ..a true
rebel spirit!!

thank you again..

author comment

When I read the first part of this a picture arrived in my mind and it was hard to shake, it was that of artist Turners, "The Fighting Temeraire",
Then the poem moved away from the picture but the initial thought held me.
Then you talk of the title being a slant on Oblique, just cant shake the ship out of my vision..
Yours, Ian

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

I hate water...fear me the shivers when its clear and one can see down
the deeper the darker...I learned to overcome this later on in life..
but the clarity of it..remains to this day...

ships...Indeed this is all about ships
the yokes being the raising of the anchor on the older great lakes
vessels....plates for the transition when they outfitted them with coal
and engines.....the sails predominantly being used for the abundance
of wind......tethered....docks....anchors..

will have to look up Turner reference..

Maybe the ship Im thinking about in my own
head is called Oblique..
always fascinated me how the names
came about...

Thank you!

author comment

Oblique is a sailing term....Not a ships name..Its a navigation term
so all of this is all connected.....sometimes Im unsure and then
when Im not Im bang on......

I knew oblique is a triangulation
a twin of a planned route..

i shall always have this twin theory
about everything
peoples character


not just the physical fascination
with twins themselves..

more going on in my head
then I thought at times....

Thank You!

author comment
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