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Nov 11

we were loved and loved.............

the machine turned on
and ground its grist

silence now for years
but we remember
the aged eyes

our village elders
fighting their way up italys boot
my bakery man a navigator in a lanc
hit by gunfire and burning
his best friend holding on
while the craft turned over
his buddy pilot never got out

world war one
we worked in clay
building a water treatment plant
I had a long wool coat safety hat
just to be weird
all I thought was the great war
the pools of water
even we had to watch
the strip club we ventured too
the music of our time
and back to the trenches

at home weekends would
throw on edith piaff
and remember the
parades of youth

remember the Lancaster Bomber
I saw up close
the war birds
the monument gun in Burks Falls
a captured german machine
remember reading how just one like
this killed a thousand canadian
boys trying to take a position
in one day alone

and the doctors poem
and the many more I met
on the road after

like refugees
whom liked my aviators

war is hell
I wear a poppy


Editing stage: 


the big ones! and korea and vietnam and irag and afganistan..
in the great war on my grandmothers side many of her brothers
went and came war two my dads buddies went
came back...some not....Korea my dads new wife was a tank
operator....was in world war two too!! a right amount of luck
intuition and guts..quick draw....vietnam we had the people returning
normal or maimed...out of statesides madness..brilliant..buildling
lives handling what they could....not huddled up..
I befriended many military but I was interest is here...
my family I was adopted into they served in all theatres!
U survive or not.....God decides these things...
and before you brow beat me about God....I tell you
I will chest bump you on this...I believe...I am a miracle
and I have seen....
and I have my own horror too over the years
and its not coffee spilled on my homework
I survived

Sine Dios


nough on all of this!!

author comment

My daddy was a tail gunner on a B-52 in the second war. He fought in Korea also. I have a hard time accepting that I am fifty six and have never been called to service.
Awesome poem.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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Love this one. We can all relate to the effects of war in some way. My dad was in british army, caught by japanese when singapore fell and spent the entire war building the burma railway. Survived. A gentle man. So many lost years. War really sucks.

Burma....war sucks....I had a poppy on and lost it in mall....felt bd so wrote I dont not think about the vets!! horror..if you were bomber crew and came down you got pitchforked to deat and hung in germany....b-52 you got beheaded in korea and vietnam..can yu blame them..entire village flattened by comes white devil....kaschling ...Burma starvation was the worse.....funny because I starved myself on purpose over times....mental isssues.....deprression...and I worked hard.....weird hard assed
Im schamehorn and in vietnam this family york it goes..!

author comment

My Father served in WW1 in Egypt, he ran away from home in 1914 to join his four Brothers who were already in the Army, but he was turned away twice as he was only 17.
But on the third attempt they told him he was in.
He never spoke about that war to end wars, probably never believed those words to be true.
Our family only saw war from home after that as Dad went on to work on the farm.
Strange though most of my life I have been involved with war of some kind.
Great write there Steve, your Poppy is for ever,
Yours Ian..

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Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

i love the quotien of the twix

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