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robust flakes are falling
my favorite mug is chipped
like one of my favorite smiles
A rube alright
but sometimes olden is golden
the softer hues
a trusted source
Dont have to sleep with my
wallet beneath me
when were finished
she doesnt slam the door
on the way out...
I asked that one
ran..swung the door open
stepped down the hall
dragged her back
before the fire door closed
She just laughed..
Adrenalin keeps U young
Im young...dont U want to
stay young!
Yer not too old with that
salt and pepper beard
Makes U sexy "daddy"
as if her bitch boots with
heels didnt announce her
presence on way in our out..
But she was right!!

I make my Nescafe in the Nuker
stir it with my flip knife
blade polished to a mirror
pop on the tube..peek behind
the curtian to see what kind
of weather I gotta face
take a slug from the Vodka
or Jack Daniels or Scope
from the empty Air conditioning
door...always cool...
pop my helpful little tabs
to clear my head

throw on the phone tunes while
I shave..brush my teeth
shower away the incidentals
We used to shower together...
but I like listening to her
singing to herself..listening
to the brush going through her
beautiful long hair..lipstick
caps..eyeliner bottle...perfume
spritz....she looks dazzling
smells great!!
I wait for the door to slam
locking me in...she knows thats
wants to be the good girl

sometimes I wake up...I love
helping her put on those witch
boots..holding her jacket
slap her ass...
kicked me in the nuts once..
laughing..bends down...
well hell
I love what I love too!
damn..girls got chutzpah!
showing me she can look after
herself out there!!

run outta cream
drinking it black
weather shows massive
front moving in...just
another winter like always

sheets smell of her
shes my drug
my narcotic
left her bracelet
half pack of smokes
she knows I love
half bottle of perfume
she lifts from Sears!

her way of marking her
gives me shit...
"U gotta get your cellie
promise her to pick up
pay as U go when I got
cash..which I never do!!

kiss her bob nose before
she hops into gear
run a finger tenderly
cross her thick beautiful
brows and those exotic eyes...

under my pillow she has
stashed her old socks
a gift..
"hot off the press"
we survive to survive
nothing more
nothing less.....

Editing stage: 


Knew tough men that had the finesse with machinery..
fly fishing...knew rough men that got a lot done..
what did I do...send me in with the wild ones..
voice..intelligence shuffle...I knew what I needed
to know...the fulcrum of flim flam and logic.

when calm...exhausted I would slow enough
tend to them..wound up running on adrenalin
ideas coffee and what not....a storm front
slamming the loose shutter...ears and eye
sucking up the intell...tweaking the system
but always they wanted that chapter of
attention...the novellas of words...touches
detailing...calmness...I never sit still or
shut up....rare when I was just idling
maybe why people like those animals
close up and tranquilized....can pet em
study their eyes...see em up close..
not gonna run off..bounce off the walls

I never know what they see in me..
but they got their pages...
become a story all the same

they are all important
thats the thing about being selective
goal was always selection

the grist...the hustle of it..
and it never ends
till we end!

and crank it often...
lately...and Under my Thumb

why I like Fellini and expresso
in my carafe from Spain!

writing....being nocturnal..
something like that!

Thank U Jg Collins!

Mr Wolf!

author comment

cozy enough house in fair village...three sisters record collections...
and my bros....then\i did not relate to heavy metal...\now \i do
sarah vaughan..eddie arnold...johnny cash...elvis..\my sisters
cat stevens...beatles..rolling stones...\doors! I loved sitting
in my fathers 2dr never seen winter ford ltd..listening to fort whayne
indiana fm..played night in spring and summer before high
school let out they would play top of the charts....\\blondies call me
and gary numan..lipps incorporated funky town..gary numans cars
followed by larry king live syndicated show....was for this gen x or
just before like heaven on earth....five years later..or four...
girl two years my junior go me into the Doors more then I was
..their 1967 album my fave...
but I listened to moody blues and jefferson airplane too..jethro
tull...and said
\\\when \u hit eighteen or older youll start working for the rest
of your life...he was a hipster in his own way....ha...\morrison
hotel....they couldnt get in for a photo...when the desk clerk
was away they ran in...snapped the pic.....\morrison admirals
son holed up in chateau fancy pants in hollywood....a far cry
from living on the rooftops...i like that grace slick still is much
the rebel she was as a young woman....\i still dress like |I did
in high school...fancy shoes....aviator bomber jacket aviator
shades..same weight...some kind of notebook sketch book..
still going on about this and that....even look simliar...ties...
some kind of music playing..then fancy boombox in school
cafe....then walkman..then disc phone voice
recorder that sounds like it|! keeping true
to the old school\\\ music is more crisp now...but vinyl is
making a combat..its digital but who cares.....that music
got all of us creative kids through chums are
all doing well\im still living like \i did then...
lifer purist...crazy...still works for me....thanks for digging
this man....

\\\\\your friend
mr wolf\\\\

author comment

I so enjoy reading your work, regards Roscoe... PS, sorry I don't always comment.

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

run my ego way ahead down the trail
more gritter and more real then real these the mall crawl prowl I just do eyes!
(Blade Runner lines...the original movie)
a nod...a look...
Ive seen things..
been things.......
always wondered what it would have been
like for an hour hanging with Elliot Smith
or Chet Baker....prolli like Kerouac always
an unwinding kind of sort unless he was
on a mountiantop and even he had his
countless anti heros addiction!

making all his female based stories up
not male chummies were
are..larger then life though some are
five feet tall and almost bulletproof
quite the assortment of true characters
that turned many a place on its ear..
hell they still do!!
The females just blew in like a mad wind
whats not to resist?
no pinky finger tea sipping lot those
riders of the storms
what glorious madcap frustrating
times...Not an ounce of tamed energy
I write em up behaved..nuances
in reality they did whatever in hell
they wanted...which I respected
cause the world all wants U in
that heart shaped box
I relate to Creeds song "Gasoline"
even he only dated Amy from Evanescence
for a short spell..Like Jagger and Bianca
I like Ferraria the young model and singer
more then the wrecking ball singer
some poetry is like a little movie or book I love watching crowds
but depending on who Im paired up with
for the adventure..We are the show!
never ending story!

thank you Roscoe!

Mr Wolf!

author comment

I give you some of my time,
Where time means nothing as it folds
Your story and living is lovely
The trials that you have are real
Those of the think and of physical being
Then the stories of each moment of the day
There in the light of your think
Young Wolf your heritage shows
How the breeze tends your needs
Where the warmth of others closes in.
I love your stories and more so to walk with you
I see you standing there
At the lakes side,
Throwing out the colours of memory,
Hoping to see the returning wave
They do talk young Wolf
It is you that hasn't time to hear.
In the waters motion
where the old man mends his nets
There is a music that you should learn
Listen as they did in olden days
Hear with the heart, the Spirits song
You are not alone, they are loud enough
For me to hear across Oceans depths
I know that in this write
There are messages for you
As it is an Auto write,
Those in think talk send out things for you.
You are a hunter young Wolf
All your life you have sought out knowledge
Yet there in your lodge
Is the secret of the ages.
The passage of time has dimmed its sight
So listen and see with care.
My cave beckons me to attend to other guests.
I shall sit and watch the shadows dance.
Even though I know that they are not life itself.
Take care young Man and go well Yours Granddad..

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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