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My Hero

I guess I’m my own hero,
my life's explained this way --
I always say just what I mean;
mean seldom what I say.

Philosophy for living?
Stated piously --
life is simply far too short
to take it seriously.

Editing stage: 


Possibly very apt given the climate here in the UK. Jx

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that could possibly do with some new dressing but is 100% fun. I am not a political animal. Thanks for your consideration.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

author comment

'I always say just what I mean;
mean seldom what I say.'

You are a very confused boy aren't you lol
.... and you've now succeeded in confusing me....
... actually, not hard really....

Love it - love the philosophy
good fun write
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

Guilty as charged. I also reserve the right to be a silly Billy.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

author comment

some old poems and noted I had not replied clearly to your point.
Although I always say what I mean, it doesn't usually come out clearly to the listener.
So it may easily be interpreted quite differently from the original thought.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

author comment

o you also are
see their reactions from far
billy willy
nilly dilly
good poetry yours...

it is always gratifying to have your very special style of comment on one of my meagre efforts.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

author comment

the dead did bury their dead
conquesters slaying for no reason
In our native lands ..natives worked for nothing
then too see the traditional enemies of their kin
destroyed....Crow against Blackfoot...Sioux
Sitting Bulls father was murdered by a Crow
He was a Sioux!...yet he like the crow did not work
for the wealthy white raiding americans
he chose to be the visionary of his remaining..
who gathered in great numbers
while Custer the drop out but civil war vet hero
against other whites advanced....Perhaps his
scouting party were tired...They told him there
were a few women and children...And He in his
claim to great victory told his Crow scouts they
could go..Would be released.....Fired basically
or...ride into destiny....The Crows hated the Sioux...
I read tons of this...but forget what happens...
and years later is it important....
the most important thing...
Sitting Bull survived starved out long
after Longhairs death and died
but he believed in his people
He was not a Rat!
not a betrayer like Judas
trying to raise shit

Hang on that idea!

Read tons of people imprisoned by
kidnappers for
vietnam Americans tortured
(remember pol pot killed milions
of his own people..Alive the americans
were "worth" something..those that
survived and did not give up)

survival rules

U are important others..
three..believe in a higher power
or God!

if U dont believe in yourself you
are going to smash others...
If U dont believe in something more
U can justify being a ratbag
smashing others
and Belief in God is just
a simple handing of ones
power to something else

shows yer not a greed infested
bastard who would tell the torturers
whom might need to be killed
starved if U can get an extra bisquit

all of which went on and all of which
got me on that..
I knew survivors of many an epic
time....who followed the rules
above mentioned....

once the dominant force is reduced
the survivors with values clan up
and reduce the evil
the only way Good shall over ride
evil my friends...

U are important
Help someone
Think about the greater
force that gives U a chance
to at least stand
and not die like a rat
or coward!

Thank U!

for such a simple unassuming piece of writing. Custer was an expert on Indian warfare, wrote several papers on the subject. His widow felt it necessary to write a couple of the best works on the conduct of those wars as he was vilified in Washington. He new well the value of taking women and children hostage in order to bring the braves to heel The Washita massacre can only be explained as following specific instructions.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

author comment

I had heros...many...
and am only lately appreciating that
I need to be such as U write
My own hero..
Custer was respected...they knew Yellowhair
they did not mess with his body
which both sides were doing at that point
I like the natives for they see the land as a
living bearing being...such as the present
regards to the pipeline and water rights.
but the survival principles
of books written about people who
were taken hostage by cults...imprisonment
by wars and social constructs rings true..
Thank U Happy Chappy

Mr Wolf!

There is no scientific proof that life should be taken seriously.
Good short rant at the mirror..
Note for Steve, Custers last words were:-
" Never seen so many Indians"
This is the clean version.
I remember a while back at a place called Rourke's Drift in South Africa, there 5000 Zulu warriors fought a small troop of Welsh soldiers.
It is told in the film "Zulu"
I had many friends in the Zulu's while I was in South Africa and they are a beautiful people.
I also had friends in the Sioux people in Canada, I was given a necklace to bring home and it is one of my best keepsakes, but feel it should be back with the Sioux.
I shall put a pic of it on my Face book page as soon as.
That will do for now there are many things of interest we have in our lives.
Take care, Yours Ian..

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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