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mitigate illogic and allusions

cigarette and dressy clothes
inside the swirl of the memory
sleep and in it the dreams
rising like a tide

the sadness and complex aches
the wounds never healing...

physical wounds now
put up by me
grasp this understanding
of the pain everyone I am
close too have been through

an intimacy of their rapture and
release for what it gives them

I don't understand
but live within it in me

a slow this ardous task
one I want to win
even though at the best
I lose..
the ego
the belong

but today is beautiful
and from here..
what is there
but the more
of existine...

we are driven to live
to survive....

Editing stage: 


you should have joined Scott's workshop that is still running. I am sure you'd have excelled there.
Why am I mentioning it?
Your first stanza and some other lines is the reason.
Simply stunning!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

awesome abstract:
'cigarette and dressy clothes
inside the swirl of the memory'....

One of your greater writes Steve - I really, really like it
thank you, I enjoyed reading this...
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

clothes were it...and hard work
I will never be them! they played hard
and worked hard...really!
dad..forty one years on the railroad
and mom..a nurse assistant..
strong people...caring..
(sure I got my issues..I earned em)
but they had cool clothes..
High school I suffered through..
could afford top end modern style
but found pops fifties shirts
skinny silk ties..which I bought
dress pants and dress shoes
or a bow tie...herringbone jackets
from sally ann and tuxedo shirts
forget what the bullies said..
it was the eighties!!
and in the cafe....bad nerves
and bad skin the sweets..the
pretty prep girls sat with me
deliciously clothed...wealthy
parents....I was in heaven...
a gymnast like Tinkerbell
was interested but I was a
snob...and a brunette like
Molly Ringwald sat behind
me in I must
have frustrated her....
mother tore women to shreds
there was no room for any
at the time
a bloody daft time!
but they dressed well
and threw parties...
everyone feeling well
and never a scrap
in summer steaks on the
firepit...tiki torches and

they never picked on me
for being odd...when asked
I pitched in grubbing stumps
out or doing the lawns..
helping work on the cars
and driving them about
my brother and his chums
included...I was a good driver

when I met my crazy older
woman she was dressed in
snazzy pants and a gold lame
shirt..pixie hair cut with large
adorable eyes and dark
brows....heart shaped face
a crash that evolved....but
we took smashing photos
together in the old haunts
of muskoka....


creative artists and bohemians
true characters
ripped off from our favourite

my own daughter now grown
has the same artistic flair
styles...same afflictions
poor thing!!
like father like daughter
but I love her
and she loves me
we phone often
see each other
at the Diner for
dinners once a

parents always
welcomed the
small band of
mother eventually
mellowed out some
no longer the flames
but kept her dragon
dad got a decent mate
and started to love
his cat
the jagged earlier
years fell some

even of late I have
the new bohemian
poverty strickened
lost and the old money
top cats
they say Im everywhere
Im like a ghost
and are happy when
I drop by and cause
some scene or add
excitement to their
an addictive air that
and from many packs
I learned to sit about
the fires and curl
up on watch or
chum for a few days
on the road....
forever the charmer
with that honed edge
to keep things aligned
or in line....
forever the ego....

thank U

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