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steam tinge
dank hot hair
beads of wet
lick crawling
glitter in the lights
a ghost dance
witching hours
minute hand
right to left

televisions sweet
low voice
on ivory drab wall
a summer wind
wishing promise of
rains stirs
hesitant wavering
above the eaves
a moon crawls

removes the rest
of make up with
hypo allergenic
soap and cotton
white balls
tilted hips pressed
on rounded formica
rivulet of designs
are drunk in by
thirsty cotton towel
the fan drones sleepily
paperwork lifts an edge
dream wraith awaiting
flight stretching wings

exhaustion in wit lilted
sparce exclamations
drawled out
a lapse of replies
that silence settles
into its valleys
the lamps cyclops
circle on the ceiling
dull the candles flame

dress shirt and dusted
jeans....smelling of long granite

lay with eyes closed
drifting towards the
horn of the dreams
where shipwrecked
ruins bleach in a cold
bones of a moon
for lonely stars

shifts quiet beneath
the summer sheets
knowing I will leave
if awake
restless awaiting
the storm

sacred are the
moments few
in weeks of
temporary many
quiet like
the ordinary


Editing stage: 


Normally I don't tend to like poems that seem to be clinging to the edge of the page. This is an exception, I like very much. The form is used to impart an urgency to the read.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

I no commas..astrocatastrophes..
dots..dashes.....this is raw shit
and I cling to the page because like life
I went where the page said
Here Be Dragons..those are...were...
and will be my friends....

suck it up buttercups...thanks for the reads
if this was a tame site..I would not waste my

however..........Ive lived far south of normality
given up homes marriage kids..ventured
..its not the majority put it that way....
if U gotta question it...stay home..vacum
make meals and value U got your
home homies..
cause out will tear U Limb from Limb

back from the DARKLANDS...

thank U...enjoy your comments
Luv u..


author comment

U are brave and determined enough to
know what they demand.

my rebellion is to write extremely well enough
that I probably could publish and develop
a following. Like my paintings, if I pushed that.

but im lazy and eccentric.

not into the face on the book thing at all.

too busy with my crazy worlds with eccentric
women. they are my artwork i adore admire
fawn over...busting my hump for ninety per

i truly write fictional works...but the reality
is soaked in with my experience..
i could not come up with the out there
stories...U cant make up shit like this
and before i risked it or had to jump into
their of
truths...i had nothing but the daisies
and unicorn soft poet life or words..

but then i hit in country
went native
went mad
was already nuts
and become this
outrageous madman
town trickster of my
wizard ways

i get it why the bros love me
and the muses gush
here in my city..

crazy shit steve says
steppie was always uploading
me about apt..when i lived here
and got shit and got kicked out
and moved back
and moved out

all my girls were writers artists
although they dont chase it
kind of like me

sexton and mckeowan canadian
sixties poet made me love women
lately with my new cleaned up man
in charge masculine presence i
am getting more flips
hugs..the old insecure fart moved
on..that persona...hated trading it
in....but the better view from this
plateau is worth everything

my poetic ventures here are like
stained coffee on white linen
not everyones enjoyment and i
admire that...
literally they are works for poets

glad Ur back!
thank U Lavinia!

author comment

aha...I love nirvana and love those cheerleaders
with the anarchy sign on their tops...
blinged out eighties and nineties
then saw that..
was riveted right then there.
wasnt punk.wasnt true rock...
came and went but not its voice
got his daughter on twitter
my daughter and I both follow
her...Frances...a true rebel
like her ma and pa..

I do get noticed and it is because
of the rebel...
i never fit in to begin with and when
i just put the little details moved
doors..objects may appear closer
then they appear...dazzler...a true
moniker that fits u..
bored outta the gourd
my fave saying...but I love
tedious repetitive work now
calms me...get into housecleaning
dog walking..mall cruising and my
mind kicks into poetry or song.
i sing in the house....remember no
lyrics so i just make em up
crazy out there shit..happy as a loon
till someone cramps the style

literally its like they get worried
keep yer head down...shhh
they will hear...
whose they...
but i know what they mean
i have met the they u dont
want to meet....
the family bogeymen or societys
psychos in power in any small
town..sometimes u wake up
and its right in your close network
horror of horrors..
but then there goes boredom

oh joy!!

i can imagine us in a bar
i just lock in with people
easy...was my work all
my life..
people do follow
they inside are just as boring
or bored as us at the best of
times and the worse of times..

all about the tale

thank U sis!

mr wolf!

author comment

mirages in summer...winter in spring...
levitation of land at horizon with sky beneath
a mere physics thing but it still give the
mind enjoyment...

atmosphere is a heady place
as is hypnotism
auto suggestion and
below threshold stimulus

I have read tons of books
and studied all leaders
text film throughout history
including modern orators today
spent time with my religious buds
at various places of worship not
only to study but to be a part
of the crowd..the exhultation of
social connect..

I stay away from Ouijas and psychics
I have seen things....felt things
sense things to know the world is
not bereft of powers that we will
never harness

been witness to..'wonders'

I like the steam punk vein of a hock shop they had
a little green enamel light shade table lamp
made from one inch galvanized
water or gas pipes screwed together
a toggle switch...some brass gauges
a true brass air or steam whistle..
quite appealing and for a pretty penny
same with the electric guitars...
a true 1969 white strato Fender..
I had for a time a 1979 Tokai replica
but mine had the locks on strings..
humbuck pick ups..another custom
pick up....extra knob whammy bar
custom hardshell case blue velvet
or velour 1986 picked it
up for 450.00 sold it to a talented
top man from organization who built
custom harleys and guitars..he mere
wanted the hardware..for 50.00 dollars
but we needed road mate
she had to sell her engagement ring
from marriage....mink fur custom made
so we could get a trials
of the road that only those that lived
them know about....
I like your writing very much

Thank u!


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