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M u l l i o n ...................

Stray twins

paint dreamskins vanillin

late frieght calls down on the
nickel line
cresote and creekwater

restless like a trance
you shiver and stir
a newborn dream

down the history
up calf ridden inkwork
and hip frame

a whorl of navel
a shadowed breast

wind like the Jin Jin
Ju Ju arrival
and your nest hair
like a sunken dusk
a treasure glean

while the moon
the precious
kiss of midnights

Editing stage: 


This red head that is torturing your thoughts and writing, hey I have one of those, but the shades are different.
The use of the word vanillin in the line 4 did you mean a colour, I have always assumed that this is a flavour..
Interesting to paint with a flavour though..
The write was deep and sensual, though there again I thought just a tad hard in places, as if regret had crept in and an excuse had to be found..
Just me again, ignore if wrong I have some time on my hands to ponder,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

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