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licorice posture

In this scalding sun
the distance is always the same
The space shimmers
thrown about
the waves are bent into distortions
bitter with the flavor of light
enhanced softness
like the air
melodic and lost


Editing stage: 


i really loved this work

even with the darkness
one toils through
And in summer the heat
softens the harshness
but not the brutality of

Winter is cruel but swift
posture are personas
the mould for confection
our consumption of personal
acceptable mask..forwardness
is more appealing in summer

Sound waves too drift
or sound waves to drift
its all a degree sometimes
in humidity or temperature
like an exelixir
the alchemy of moment

Thank You for the comment!

I was going for a texture of a feeling
in this one...for me feelings have

I just realized this after all these years..

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