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the light from the
the night still

the cold light
like a ghost
emerges you
my bed

Is it
your a dream
not the face
I know
youve shown

This twin
has met
my twin

Turn about
and slip into the
the light spilling
over you
as you

Ive seen you
a few times
on the street
the smile I befriended

and only once
The girl
I fell for Love


Editing stage: 


Stanza 2 - 'the cold light emerges you' - bothers me a bit....
'Within the cold light
you materialise' ?

I like the syntax used, especially in the last stanza
Love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

The family whom does not talk anymore to each other agrees..
Of all of us..They the sucesses...the rest past on...Its affects
life..youth..middle life and now Old Age pretty much
has confirmed Im weird..odd...shamanistical views..
Not disciplined..So therefore I cast spells with no partition
read minds with no focus and write poetry with no rules
(for the most part)....

This poems is actually about someone...In regards they
exist right now....Very much real...And...very much
ordinary...with the exception that they are exceptional
The brilliance of certian Intelligence is amazing..

You know...people who cant read and run big things..
grade five education....paperwork and certificates
are rewards to hard work...

I like and have met the golden gifted and the other...
worked for both in some regards....Their gift too me
other then some coin to survive was spending time
alongside sifting through things or simple tasks..
Or complicated complex moves in costume of
the ordinary...Deck shoes and buttondowns
a shot of Giorgio Armani and combed hair...
borrowed sunglasses....Or work boots and
combat pants and beat up leather jacket
for feild grunt work....Not metaphors....Life is
like people....and my poetry thus becomes shades
of grey for thought process.......

I was trying to think about how to describe something
the mythical arrival and departing....

Theatrically they raise actors..actresses up through
floors...wires...the old magician stuff..physics basically

And I love your suggestion Write!! its pretty correct standard
write....And I used to love this trouble as its okay..
and I like Okay....But I want something out of Ok..
Impressionists were beyond Ok when they did their thing in
the eighteen hundreds....Jazz musicians after the war
pushed the normal boundaries of notes..expression...

I like shakespeare a parents were bright but basic
schooling and bible...Robert Service my dad liked..
High school showed me the old records which I thought
were corny as hell so they made me smile at first..
Then I heard Macbeth and it changed my life...
Lady Macbeth....

I thought it was just some kind of invention from Wills
time but not...

I was doing photo work in School...a darkroom..I could
take the film off the spool..We used old ZENITS..
and it was developing photos that I loved the Emergence
of the silver paper shot from the timed light from the
negative tri x...We used that as it was cheaper...

The image would emerge
I awoke to have someone
standing over me
rather ghost like
and coming from a dream
was even more interesting
The light from the moon
outside or enough ambeint
lighting from the yard light
.store lights a few yards
many set the hue of it..

It was not dusk light...
and it was frightening

For me..."Within the cold light
you materialize...." is an opening this is too me..
i feel it needs another add
" a vision of hauntedness"
or something done over and over..

the cold light emerges you

is like a question....I can see the narrator
looking about or sitting up'
raising their head
but not breaking eye contact with
the "apparition"

its stumbling phrase too
like people speak falling too sleep
or upon waking up

an interesting moment
when the brain makes the
transition to the creative rest
of reality to the creative fire of
dreams and vice versa
Thus my great love of that
creepy moment

Thy Cold lite!!! It Doth Emerg thou??

Im glad it bothers you because
the whole poems basis is that
and it is a question

what would a ghost want..
The person is not a ghost
Lady MacBeth was not
a ghost

and I myself am pretty
no..very haunted....
so one ghost to another......


you caught it
and begged the question
and is not my
original scriptwriting..

I have a very very creative
friend who makes things for
very wealthy people
he has a wife and kids
drives a range rover etc
his wife works with stars
people stars...rock I think.
videos..that kind of thing

it was he that with my prompt
and other creative fun..we
would kick about and when
he was really free enough
he would bring forth this
dialoge language that was
very unique.....I pay it homage
towards him...

He borrowed it from Melvins
book...When the voyager
the only survivor tries to get
the Native guy who rolls the
bones to speak after he
quits talking..the foretelling...
(Moby Dick)

syntax....i shall go look this up..
Thank You Judyanne!!

author comment

I loved this write and have been cheeky enough to correct any faults found in spelling and capitals etc.
All the lines are the same as your piece above as there is nothing I would want to change,
Yours Ian..
Just copy and paste, if it's ok with you..

The light from the
the night still
The cold light
like a ghost
emerges you
my bed
Is it
you’re a dream
not the face
I know
you’ve shown.
This twin
has met
my twin
and slip into the
the light spilling
over you
as you
I’ve seen you
a few times
on the street
the smile I befriended
And only once
the girl
I fell for Love

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

would be the returning line after.."the cold light emerges you.."
Thank you for the work on the corrections Ian.
The works I do of course have had everyones influence
along the way..To your final work also to this day!

Thank you!

author comment
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