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Kostume & Ritualz

Bathe in the sodium birth of light
the naked concrete wall concieved
with the madness of colour and
worlds of words
The chant of Prophetic
Chaotic Love
The flesh of rot in the dumpster
and tilted shopping cart

your wild eyed face
your body swerving bending
the nerves afire with electrical
I waited for the thunderclap
when we touched
and the coarse dirty cloud
of hair
the sweat in your shirt and
raw jeans as faded as
pavement in July

My ear against your chest
how you still had your cross
the once youthful breasts

"I can hear the Ocean and The Gulls"
You moan and shudder
and the cops drive by
the traffic of streetsters steers on foot

And a random miracle the rains start
to high hat brushes on the
liqour store bags in the carts
a plink like a dead paino note
on the tins

we are twins locked in the reverie
of moment
A shell survived thrown up from
the depths
I can hear your voice from
shattered lungs
and echoing in that fantastic

I stand up and stare into
your eyes
my tears always
our rains
you have found the
surf lashing where
I scream before dawn

its starting to really fall
The real thunder rolls
down from the dry hills
to drive down the smog
The palms are limp
giants greased with

we dance
while it starts to pour
and you find your voice
and you pull back
like a magician
the blue ferocity
of your eyes

I can smell the
wine cigarettes
and cheap perfume

a sea I baptize
my beliefs in
when the crashes
collapse after
the great flash

somewhere off
a siren races down
the tangle of streets


Editing stage: 
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