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Brilliant burning
the hot bulb
the summer air
insect song simmering
we swelter slow movement
dreaming of cooler months
of less humid soaked into
brickwork and tarmac
shimmering in the distance
the Power poles totemic
swaying with their dropping
The myopic miles pulling
us in travel

Everyones lost in the dream
the radio turned low
nothing but the tires singing
their own song...the growl
of the engine and performance

our silhouette shadow
races with us
traffic gushing past
oncoming a glitter
the parched distances
to the mountians
a golden sheen

fingers of hair caught
in the summer winds
the vent windows
geared open
feet up on the dash

Sandwhich cases full
of illicitness and hard
rolls of cash in pockets

warm iron under the
cotton weave of the
ordinary sunstained

Poetry and potions
flashing chrome
and bad ideas
as the bruise of
a turgid summers
eve rises
thick and potent

and like a bullet
in a trance
like mad tracers


Editing stage: 


I am reading your poem today, keeping you in my memory.

We had a warm winter here and an early spring but now we're waffling back and forth with near-freezing temps and then jumps near 30c. I feel that in your first stanza.

My hair has gotten really long since you last were here. I have one shaved piece on the side and the rest is down my back. It's still weird getting used to it. It was short from the time I was about 12 to the time I was 28. I am learning to take care of it, but your lines

fingers of hair caught
in the summer winds

hit close to home now. This hair grabs things and makes a big mess in the wind if I don't keep it lassoed properly!

Your friend always,

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