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Jungle Rumble:

Ass and Elephant
Which Beast will be Triumphant
And Then Compliant ?

Editing stage: 


In my humble opinion, the World Wide Web contains a lot of unnecessary and invalid material but also serves to truly democratise public opinion in that many more voices around the world have a chance to express their views.

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In my humble opinion, the World Wide Web contains a lot of unnecessary and invalid material but also serves to truly democratise public opinion in that many more voices around the world have a chance to express their views.

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Wait and see. Whoever or whatsoever, most people just do not care.


Unfortunately, the late philosopher / comedian George Carlin was right on the money on so many issues regarding the state of the nation and especially relating to the fact that both mainstream parties were two sides of the same coin. The owners of the nation will pursue their agenda regardless of the puppet in place after the race.

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it was opened up for civilian use....The brilliant Marshal McLuhlan
saw it as the global village....
bright young minds and ex programmers for military brought out
games...interchange platforms to todays great ruling market
..some of the greater nations are shutting these places down
and should times of great conflict erupt....perhaps this interwed
too would be dismissed and has happened before
The very bright of my friends do not use any of the net for
personal postings....just research..
Many care....otherwise Google would not be a billion dollar
acquisition nor facebook generating great wealth and influence

thank U!

a great short poem on this subject!

I saw a haiku;
it was all in Japanese,
so what could I do?

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

Good English Haiku response to a Rhyku (Haiku format in Rhyme with a title) written in English but Japanese in minimalist expression. Your witty response entitles you to a new moniker. If you will permit a pun, how about Snappy Chappy (with Snappy referring to witty).

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The happy chappy is beaming and glad not to see myself as others may see me.

Keith Logan
the happy chappy

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