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Inside The Coffee Shop

Espresso steam tantalizes
the air drifting along
pothos vines and
untroubled folk in
comfy chairs.

White cups converse
on tidy shelves
above glassed-in
croissants, quaint sandwiches
and perfect red apples.

Rehearsed requests flow like
arias from customers' coveting lips
while waiting in line toting
iPhones, bookbags,
and trendy backpacks.

We are all warm and fuzzy inside,
homogenized with the earthy bean
that traces its prominent savor from Ethiopia.

My name is called, and my mellow soul
rises from my seat near the window,
walks through the light chatter
of old friends shooting the breeze
and keen young professionals
staring at their computer screens,

pausing to relish the flavor
in an over-sized mug, filled to the brim
with a robust magic - a potion,
a reason to greet this new day.

I look about the room and wonder,
why, in heaven, would anyone ever leave?

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Hi Lavender, loved this poem in the way it captures the cozy ambiance of a coffee shop, and paints a vivid picture of the scene. The imagery of
"espresso steam tantalizing the air" and "white cups conversing on tidy shelves" are charming.
The contrast between the bustling customers and the familiar setting is well depicted and it makes the reader appreciate the simple things in life.

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

I must confess that I drink chai tea when I go, but just the luscious, alluring scent of coffee and the sounds inside make me happy. A nice cozy get-away.
Thank you!

author comment

had the occasion to stop in a coffee shop as described, I have in fact, been tempted to enter a local place that has been a focal point for many of the artists and I imagine poets in our community; I've heard that it is a place to visit at least once. I'm not sure if they are even open anymore, but I would be open to finding out. Maybe I will find out this winter, as it seems like a place to go while fighting off the winter's chill. You describe it just the way it should, would look and feel. A great place to experience a bohemian rhapsody! LoL
Very cool, ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

A perfect place for a bohemian rhapsody! I go to the smaller, non-franchise shops. Much more boho and comforting.
Thank you!

author comment
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