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There is no love
when moments pass
in loneliness.
There is no joy
in only seconds
spent together
There is darkness
when your heart sinks
with each “Good-bye.”

Editing stage: 


The memories of things
should be able to hold a touch of joy in your heart.
That you can still write for us in such bold thoughts
is there no way you can make those thoughts
drown your sorrow and build a fire of love and happiness inside.
I suppose that if all this sorrow comes out you will not have to carry it.
The lady walking by the sweet corn, in the field is smiling and still says there is much to do.
She still says that she sits with you as the children do,
I think that she is use to the children now, you take care of you
There is much to do, a need to push the limits of your dreams into a reality of words for us to love,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

It is what it is, my friend. Tomorrow I go to hospital and when I am recovered I need to reassess my life, Time to move back North where there is family, Here I am completely alone,


author comment

family adds to desire
to live on
only one life is given perchance
no more

that's for 1000000percent sure
ask no more


what loved said. Lonliness is not the best situation when you have the choice .
Take care and be safe.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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There is nothing like being with family - Go to them - you won't need to be lonely or depressed anymore if you do!

Keep safe.

Love Mand xxxx

Yes. It will be a difficult move. I will go up north in October to see.

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