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'whatcha got??'
eyes wide
my janitor key ring snaps back
I slam the Motel door
hold up the Corona beer pail
from the patio bar
filled with ice
(they never put the lock on
at the 7-11 ice chest)
(waiting for her to notice
the wing tips and striped dress
pants...momma said I was born to be
cool and nobodies fool)
'No way!'
cops went by in a light car but it was
the catylitic aroma
no confiscating the finery
with an open ticket
town was hopping
I switched on the air conditioner
lit up some inscense
found a hard rock channel
with the remote
she hopped off the bed
and with her switchblade
run the top open
got out the plastic wrapped
plastic cups
and poured us a drink
unbuttoned my dress shirt
kissing my chest
till she noticed the band aid
wrap over my heart
'what the fukks this?'
'oh nothing..cut myself shaving'
she just tore off the band aid
and stood back with a flat pan
'JULLIETTE....' tilted her head
sipping the vodka
I told her I was getting this
...I came prepared
dug into the roomy pockets
of the zoot suit pants
below the band started into
the bass boost version of
a Doors cover..
'Keep your eyes on the road
and your hands upon the
she sits back on the bed
dazed...maybe hurt
I flick the disco ball over
the table lamp I tied with
fishing line from the ceiling
the sparkles glitter in her
I just drink from the bottle
hanging onto it
the fresh air hitting the
new ink and scar tingles

I hold out the sharpie
like a blade
'babe....U know I love U!'
'look..u can draw ur name
and I cheque
I'll get Paulie to Ink it in..'

'I kissed her'

I make a face...wha..what?
'I kisssed Juilette! I wanted to
see what was so great about her
seeing your so into her...'

shes taking the lid off the sharpie
her black painted nails
cats eye make up
I feel the Grey Goose warming me
the room spins good
the disco ball throws light
I can smell the Gonesh
the band is hitting the Krieger
she drops to her knees
and walks towards me on them
I can see it jamming into my chest
but instead...with her little tongue
aside her determined lip
she cleverly deftly succintly
draws her name opposite
the Juliette ink
I look down
she stands up takes the bottle
from me and tilts it up
does a sassy bump and grind
and turns back smiling
wiping her lips with her arm
'and I liked it'

she falls back on the bed
arms outstretched
rubbing the spreading warmth
on her flat tummy
her baby blonde hair
like a wraiths halo

'u can stick around when she
shows up in five minutes'

'nice pants by the way...u remind
me of my fathers driver
Ivan....used to make sure I at least
made it to the front of the paid for
Catholic School...'

she turns the television off
and turns on the cd player
her old dance music
suddenly im a mere marionette
two hundred and fifty for this ink
but she didnt slap me

she kisses me
'my kind daddy'


Editing stage: 


doesn't it bother you at all that you occupy 93% of the unread poems list?
Maybe time for a change man. You have worked your formally successful formula to death.

Write a limerick.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

thanks for commenting and saving this one from the heap
I should do a limmertrick
they are super witty and hard to do
sunshine at high noon today

thank U Elf

MR wolf!

author comment

could be a title....
i know its hard to write sometimes
ur good at limericks
somethings better then nothing
just trying to help out
my prime directive is to just
its the right thing to do

anyway gotta move
never rest for the wicked
at least we got spring happening
snow is finally starting to go
and next is easter
and the ceremonies to
the Kings awakening



author comment

stress dispose
in self confidence impose
I suppose
and you are exceptional
W esker

my dad was a happy little chap....connected...grand lodge master
knew a ton of people...he would his harmonica
and recite limmericks.....he made up songs when later sitting
on the runways waiting for dog punchers to shove the venison
out...he was a crack shot and expert fisherperson...
between my mother selling avon and taking us along...
we were groomed to be quiet...respectful...see the sales
and business....and my dad ..I drove for....huge mid non loud
sedans...capable...all his bad ass wealthy friends

the poem ....I dont live like this.....I hung out people that
did though....might have partied with a few wild girls
but I dont belong in their world
still.....just a writing exercise..
some people just arent allowed in
not me....
i just knew where it was at..

a beautiful day today
spring is arriving
here in Ontario

thank U

mr w

author comment

you just had a springing springs snow

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