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'Dobroye Utro'
slavic cheekbones
I view and sense
through a dreamgate
not cleared
a trickle of moist red hair
a hot slash of sunlight
Gone is the snowdrops
and harassing winds
an exhausting walk
no cabs
weather cancellation

I had no religious things
save the Plastic Mary
from a rock cut crash
on the treacherous 69 highway
long ago...I kept her little
plastic likeness
perhaps she saved someone
that night....the glass spewn
down the ditch with ripped
chrome...cds loose change
emt gloves and darkened
bandages..everything sparkled
including the oil stains from
shattered machinery
Thought it was a childs toy
at first
had to knock off the crystal
top where she was glued
via her haloed head to the
now busted safety glass
like sugar crystals

squinting out the snow
had covered everything
a sikh was starting his tractor
at the fenceline
my Hyena was reciting some
prayer Mary reverantly watching
over atop the flat screen motel
television now blank and mute
I needed a hot shower
more then prayer
Found the bottle of vodka
and let its fire warm the uneasy
The airport was barren
the train we just caught
to the stop off the tube
in the outskirts

she wore a scarf like a
bandana with the most
eccentric design
peaceful meditative
she knelt on it

her eyes the eerie color
like the steppes I had
seen in national geographics
Poor mans Penthouse

'No Victor...not wolf..umm...a Hyena'
she had small outturned ears
on her head
and a large gregorius smile
she hunched down
stretching her neck
'like this!'

'Okay my little hyena!'
now the Park Ranger
must do an inspection!!

somewhere in the city
we were locating a orthodox
church to have Mary properly
wrapped carefully in the
scarf and tucked in the long
black leather duster jacket
with fur ruff

Novaya Zarya
the scent of angels
and winter


Editing stage: 


"gregorius" should be "gregarius".
That's all.

Steve, I know you know this, but it bears repeating: I read every word you publish, here. And you know why.

But I'll tell the rest: if your looking for a poetic style to aspire to, look no further than Esker.
Not kidding.

Respectfully, Race

"Laws and Rules don't kill freedom: narrow-minded intolerance does" - Race-9togo

for the correction on the word...I used to listen to gregorian chants...
voices are cool...any space that reverbs..sound wave...waves in
general I like..cyclic occurence..patterns...moebuis strip..
helix...fractures...mandelbrot..random chaos theory....rain snow..
wind pattern..fluid dynamic..endless..that and frequencies
not science gifted nor math but I like these things...

sitting at a meeting today...the smaller less ego based crowd
i probably have the biggest ego there..
at six feet with these odd weird out there ways
and social ambitions..I just tend to make the entrance
the boss at work...genuis in the orthotic field...his lab
wife is brilliant too.....he was talking about CEO'
the majority are six feet tall...and well articulated..
I try to do my best...putting words together in coherent
short form is sometimes vexing...
I was the do man in our family...dads driver....via the
car my brother shuttle driver....sister driver...
go between mother and father after the split
and referee of sorts...
just kind of took it from there to the world
or in the words of a friend..
'ur out there with my dog looking like superman
but I am superman..ha ha ha..' inside joke
but I got what he meant...i just pack up form up
immediate and look in thinking platform
in away to handle tough and tight intel situations
on the fly in the past....Like writing the poetry
there is always the simmering pots of steam
ideas rather then just one chimney of output
the personas are a mutliplicity of thoughts
experiences....probably many others are like
this...ive met a few along the way like this.

Im learning to accept personal critique in the real
world....people do come and represent me via the
crowd in passing imitations of my way....
i am a big loud...a bit much...I like their caricatures
which are developed over the years of trying on
all the potent figureheads of cinema film and historical
oh...and gaming platforms...
nuances...but im just listening to others now
everyone has a story..everyone aches...feels sorrow
joy pain...neglect..anger...happiness...

when I was writing here years ago I was locked behind
this veil of whatever lah lah land was offering
not quite tuned into societal frequencie...was listening
to something else which I would do my best to transcribe
here via the fictional characterizations and atmospheres
best described in the abstract minimalist measure
kind of a codex that most readers could acclimatize
to the choppy speed the format of thoughts ran
in the jumble of paragraphs

I no doubt U do read all the works
and no commenting is required
except when it is relavant because a lot
of this is not...

been getting more comfortable with talking to
people....running it quiet...more people come
up and meet me...more interchange what I need
I had this issue concerning women for ever
abandonment...mother...divorce...her teachings
concerning women..and her character...
but she was strong...the imprint on us kids immense
and lasting....
but handler women on another site
and they are kick ass...they live...are guiding me
and for this I am gratefully thankful
that master key to unlocking the barriers
of ego and self and its defense
and the mindscape which is a vast uncharted
territory full of suprises and the rest...

im wary of it

snapdragon...she was on the old system of neo
long ago..said she would love to sit inside my head
for two hours....she was a dispatcher..
I thought that was the cats ass..not her comment
but what she did. people say...a minute or a moment
but two hours.....i guess to aclimatize....
get a feel for it...

i knew the words had...have value
a in x or y ....not a set ideal
and not negative nor positive in traditional

the writing is based on true events
to a can push its azimuth
bend the wave without too much distortion
from a realism that I like to keep in
objective tone

in the middle of working on the little things
on the apartment here...repairing the old
computers and befriending the quirks of my
eccentric male and female company who
are visual and mind based....
the continual bike repair ongoing...
it would be nice to have a trade...have a
vehicle or motorcycle..but hard to park
maintain and they are noisy....
no helmet...moving through the crowd
cut across the fields..trails...
still faster then walking
and it keeps me at my aging age
from falling into disrepair

Ive gone on long enough
but again...Thank U
and its great being able to
chat with the great minded
of the world...

Mr Wolf!

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