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I flew the skies so blue
To a place far in time
A place Memory knew
A place to live again
A place where I began
And where I hoped to end
But nothing was the same.
and I am in limbo.

Editing stage: 


to Florida ur home
hope ur well


I am atill in NY trying to recuperate Not doing well . .

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I am atill in NY trying to recuperate Not doing well .

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You writing still touches us. That's great Joe!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Thank you , my dear friend.

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Another good write from you..
Your home is as the snail it is carried with you always.
The things you were taught will be there to use
The memories of before hold them they are precious
They are the rock you will build your house on
To fear something you know not is negative.
So fly with the Eagles of the now and live.
Take care young Joe that your now is not distorted
By the memories that we cannot recall in perfection,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

thank you ,my friend, IGHTING to walk again with help o family.

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I will send you healing and strength,
with the love of the children I know.
You will succeed in your tasks,
there is so much time to rest.
But rest we shall when it is asked of us.
Take care young Joe and know we are walking with you.
Yours Ian.T and the Children and Sadie says "And Me"

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

family is all today
a small fragmented part in society
still continues to together stay

all others are friends
who lisp ...
who except a loved one will ever kiss
a one fading into oblivion ...
hoping one may stay with love and affection ..
if it comes ones way
you are lucky
that I must say
New York still welcomes you
till this day


journeys of mind, body and spirit take us to some very different places.
Be well Joe

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

Thanks, Chrys. I have spent 3 weeks in NY with family and must return home in one week. Hip not et healed.iT WILL BE A CHALLENGE WITIH NNP HELP.

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Disoriented within the frame of home,
home that exclusive place that we covet most,
where all is familiar and loved,
when away from it, in pain,
it takes on other greater dimensions.

Love Anni

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

I went home in October--only ghosts live there now,

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