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go for miles

this one way street
Full of scraps
and televisions
shopping carts
ditches like the
to Hell

Smelled like sour
milk and happiness
for the sun shone
in and stole
the dour
raised flowers
like exclamatory Shouts!

The beast registered tagged
stickers of safety was ready
for flight
His boredom princess
with Rapunzel Zeal
Rumplestilskin behind the

A tiny glitterball hung from
the old chrome rearview
mirror show hawked
and pouted and placed
her perfect cherry hot
lips The color of triple

They were going to Vegas
His mothers gun tucked in
his pants
The old burlesque queen
"This'll show em business"

He remembers the wigs
he wore the shoes
the make up the girls
Rapunzels Love will
knock down any door
Their Niavete
the thin tin sheild

The forest wolves
watching them part
his youthful shifts
still employeeing
the clutch

Not his boots upon return
Nor Rapunzel hardened
a crumpled fender
on an Odemeter
spun like a prayer
wheel to all
the carnival madness
two junkies can
call Home!!

Rapunzel Cut her

Editing stage: 


what a lovely piece of work, the images work very sublime. i liked this work very much

I would also compose poetry
as sublime
but where is the tym
to compose like thine

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