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Lobby groups dilute
Secular nation statute
Public will refute

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I'm not sure if I've ever seen a political haiku and I've probably never seen a rhyming one either. Interesting!

It might be a fun challenge for you to see if you could write a political haiku which still uses the natural setting of traditional haiku. Maybe the second line of this poem might be a good place to give that a try.

You might try something like:

Lobby groups dilute
Destroy nature with greed, brute
Public will refute

I know that changed line significantly alters the meaning of the poem, it's practically impossible not to do so with such a short form, but it might be an idea for you to ponder. It could even have a double meaning depending on the interpretation of what the public is refuting. Are they refuting the lobbyists or are they refuting that there is something wrong going on with our relationship to the earth? A good example would be those people who vehemently deny climate change, evolution, anything like that which science believes to be the truth until further evidence perhaps disproves them, if further evidence ever does.

Hope you like this idea or are at least inspired by it!

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Appreciated your poetic suggestion that does make it more interesting.

The basis for this Rhyku is rooted in the nation of India that was founded as a secular state that ideally should not allow any one religion, culture, creed or sect to dominate but as with all great ideas / ideals, the implementation and the reality are slightly removed from the ideal. The public will refute no doubt but the public is composed of all the various groupings that make democracy more democrazy than democratic.

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