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"The Flood" Abecedarius ."A Challenge to you all"

Always be careful during extreme floods
Getting home is joyous

Keep looking more now
Or probably question routes

Stand tall understand views
Without xeric yellow zones

Poem two:-

Always a good place to start
Before the others read this
Can’t rely on them being kind to me

Desperate days bring many words
Every day I think of more to do
Fancy here on Neopoet finding you

Grant you we have talked for many years
Having lived a similar life of fears
It’s so good to have someone to talk to

Just because others have different ways
Know that I will stay here with you
Let us share more words please do

Mostly we talk of things we cannot see
Never mind it is our life to be
Others can join in if they need to

Perhaps the world is like us
Questioning the afterlife they must
Remember we all turn to dust

Spirit I know will carry us through
To where we can then renew
Us as we would wish to be

Victory our spirits will cry
When our time is right you will see
Xenology they can study to find me

You and I will pass them by
Zepher like, as spirits we will fly

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Last few words: 
An acrostic that uses each letter of the alphabet called a "Abecedarius" There are the odd words that need a little leeway but it is quite hard LOL. A challenge to you all ?????? X Y Z are very hard to find this second go is "Without dry yellow zones" I have now put this one into lines of words Two lines per Stanza, for those that wanted a poetic flow to the whole thing by adding more words per line which I have found unnecessary. Fun Eh!
Editing stage: 


This is simply brilliant! Other than "Xeriscape", I couldn't think of anything to change and unfortunately, I have no alternative.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

The land has been flooded so the use of water saving landscaping will not be needed, they were yesterdays Zones LOL.
I had to find an X word and one that meant a water saving place when there were floods seemed quite funny.


Thanks for your lovely visit, it was a challenge and I couldn't resist it.
Take care young lady,
I hope that others can come in and try to write one of these,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

This is a new type acrostic to me. I've not googled the form but most acrostics don't require just one word per line. If this one does then I think it's well done with the minor exception of using the word xeriscape which is pretty uncommon. Indeed it's uncommon enough that my spell check says it's misspelled lol. If this form does not require one word per line, you might try expanding on it by using at least some multiple word lines.
The reason I think using such an uncommon word doesn't fit is due to the fact that you Did use single word lines which in my opinion leads to the reader expecting a fast paced read. Having to pause and consult a dictionary defeats that. But Kudos for trying a new form. Got me to thinking about trying it after a bit more research lol..........stan

Thank you for your visit, I shall have a go tomorrow at expanding the concept and to make it into a better poem.
Take care out there,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

I will take up the challenge, I will Google it and learn a little more about it before I attempt one, I thought this was really well done, I will return with my sample I will post it here tomorrow or the next day I have an idea :P

much love always JC xxx

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

No hurry young lady, I shall have a go at expanding the concept into lines and not words, but if you notice the words could be strung into lines, with three Stanzas but I will see what I can do .
Thanks again for your visit it was enjoyable, I am having a tea party, soon in my cave, maybe have the odd Gin in there made from the most beautiful Juniper trees gifts, and the citrus from Seville I hear that they make good Marmalade but I don't like that, so I will use them for the Gin lol
Take care out there, wish I could send you some of this rain,
Yours as always Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

then back
z to a
is that what you want to say
wait I will come back another day
do till then
friendly stay

a b c

O.... later on
Is the concept okay



I see that you were going well with your words, so why did you stop at "O"
Only 12 to go, is this a biography I see LOL.
Take care young Bard fancy you being lost for words La La.
Yours Ian.T He He

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

You had me wondering for a few minutes before I finally understand. Clever


There are various ways to write Acrostics, do look them up and have a go at some, they are most times as clever as Haiku's.
I shall write this one as 26 lines as soon as I have the time.
Thanks for your visit,
Yours, Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

but I'm still thinking how to go about it.How to make the sentence click...


I've just written one today. I have entitled it "Thank You ".Do check it out when you have the time..


I really like your first version (poem) better. I am thinking to take your challange. It isn't easy though, I have to say.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

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