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Falter Again and Again

Falter Again and Again
Leaves blowing in the wind,
Men with sharp blowers
Gather all of them in
Fallen leaves gathered up
Wonder about their fate
Tales that mesmerize
As men drink with haunted eyes
Which wonder the same thing
Covering their foreign hands
Unique, yet filled with power
Hands that often falter
As do minds and hearts
Just remember vessels
stay hot
Not cold
Cracks make for beauty
As the forging breaks apart
Golden pots never honor
Despite the counterfeit world
But the genuine hands deliver
And never fade
As paint on a weathered bridge
They falter before hidden altars.

Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Hello, Gigi,
This is a bit different from your other work, and I don't want to let it slip away without absorbing it. I've read it several times and get a feeling that it is very intense. The golden pots, the vessels, the men with haunted eyes. Some wonderful poetry language here, but I am not keen on its interpretation. If you don't mind, I'd love a little boost with this one. It seems like a gem.
Thank you!

I’m just getting to catching up and I like what I’m seeing. Fall is for poets!!!


PS I may have a suggestion. I’ll come around later

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