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The weight of the earth
on top of coal
is what pressures coal
into a diamond

And this weight of pain
wrapped around my heart
is what crushes my soul
In sermon

You see -I was weak
a weak and scared man
Never did I hold faith
with courageous hand

I just died,
died the panicked man
So now tears fall wet
in diamond heavy pain

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This has an exceptional opening stanza.
I'm not however happy with "in sermon" Maybe "in silent sermon"?

I also thought you don't need all the spaces here

You see -I was weak
a weak and scared man
Never did I hold faith
with courageous hand
I just died,
died the panicked man

Just few thoughts, please feel free to ignore them all

I have already enjoyed this bittersweet piece.
Thank you for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

You have made some quality suggestions, and I have changed the spacing, you are right about that.

I seriously considered silent sermon, but I wrote the poem in cadense, and silent sermon lenthens the line,
gives it more push, when I want the sentence to run softly down,



The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

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