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Fa r e A s t r a y

ketchup bottle gleam
the plans of days glitter
slipping on the clasp

a locomotive cries
like thunder chortling
in daydreams grasp

Roll days like a blunt
sealed wishs with a
wet tip
and crisp red lit
from sharp edge matchstick
drawn quick

the plates swept away
and beneath this sky
you tuck your napkins
stained with tears down
the tight squeeze of your

a dark blue sigh
stretchs against that
pale coiled eye
squint hard
take aim at the sun
with your willpower

your rotary solenoid
mind dropping iron
thoughts like parcels
from parcival on a
long ride

your sleepy stride
sleek slim beneath
the black leather hide

and jewel mouth
like secrets
pressed like
candy froth
the powder light
as wings of
a dark


Editing stage: 


she wet her want
on the negative of my soul
Bootheel king of night
scourge of scuff
and she asked
"Is this enough.."

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