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ballast hums its vibrato
spinning its wavelengths
picture a fly dying spinning
on its back round and round
in the sterile white of the bowl
sink...the chrome polished
sharp like a scalpels gleam
escaping through a dream
the cold wash of light
drips as dependent as
a faucets bleeding impatience
drop by noisy drop
A television throws its
puppet show grin
on walls a ghost
medicated sedated
lying on the floor
give up
don't stand up
a phone unbridled
from the cradle
drones a beep
radar to the echo
of a call emptied
and rung out
Sun hovers
on corn stalks
and hardwood
shadows of
traffic gasp
across the
gash of gold
on kitchenettes

gulp the air
twilights snow
sifting like ash
hissing in the
a static of
voice of the
seam stitched
for all personas
I've been


Editing stage: 


I always been hurting
I serve the girls
and the girls are all through
the mill..all has issues
but I love em..they Love me
Im a hard man to understand
and live with
I wanted to understand my complex
mother...she had mental issues
probably bi polar and went through
a lot herself....
I refused to just write it off
i wanted to know
so I followed many on quests
costing me everything along
the way....

I take meds to on the level
anti anxiety and like many
the old coping meds...booze
well not really but U get the

Motel rooms I lived in
there was one..
on a flat field landscape
highway was elevated
about a hundred feet
facing west from the the left a half
mile it went over a river..
beyond that was a half
mile of corn stalks to
the forest....old growth
at dusk...the golden sun
time of day in winter..fall
the light would be behind
the trees
and all shadows of traffic
passing would come
through the little gap
in the curtians...
big black shadows racing
for trucks and the small
rounded ones for cars...
it was so cool....
and like four in the afternoon
on that highway it was the
people driving in the country
from time of day
to travel...
years later...I lived in an apartment
complex and would be so tired
from work I would just crash
on the floor...watching television
sometimes falling asleep
drifting in and out of sleep
and dreams...sober the motel
years and aparment times...
Years later..I was medicating
sometimes the floor for whatever
reason is the safest place...
maybe because as children
it is where we start from
so the angles....perspective
is comforting...I think anyway
The Love during...and then change..very fearful
for many souls through hardships
and I did that for a time
I dont think Im alone!

thus this combined write of
many times in my life..
one lines...
getting this from twitter
they only allow so many
and or advertisments
which I love..
gotta pack it all in
streamlined abstract

thank U!
Mr Wolf!

author comment

I could well relate to these lines:

gulp the air
twilights snow
sifting like ash
hissing in the
a static of
voice of the
seam stitched
for all personas
I've been

my path through life has taken me through many roles, too.
I'm an insomniac, I take a sleeping pill called Ambien every night.

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Was there this morning
cold...the lighting crisp
overcast slightly
with golden morning sunshine
hitting the hot color of the old brick
nothing open but Subway and
Dennis's store is expensive
The Burrito place across from
Tim Horton's is open
and he serves coffee for
a buck twenty five..
Thats cheap!!
and he is open first thing

I am an insomnia ridden person
following ideas....reading books
watching my three fave movies
over and over and over again
figuring out the angles from
words...gestures..sayings of
people....and Brilliant people
all who have moved on..

Ambien Yes I saw the commercials
very appealing...and I do suppose
they work!

Downtown....of course!
was down there on the bike
cold..getting my bike unlocked
some kind of soviet techno song
on my hand held phone blasting
and a fellow talks to me
well hes staring down the street
waiting...I say hello suprised he
said anything...I talked to him
years ago..he was in a hurry
to take back his empties
really hard looking but tough as years later hes all
north bay soft...we have this
look here...this feel..
But I come out with my shit
I had to get...and he folllows
me along....we stop right
on the corner and chat..
the basic of it..and he gave
me a smoke...really old school
and its a sign of respect
street and jail...
But just to stop and talk..
no one really does this
anymore...No time...
everyones in a rush..texting
cutting old
couple..eighty and seventy
crossed Algonquin by the
clinic and got hit bad..
they both died..traffic
is booking it right there...
no one one one speaks...
bid him adieu
next street good..
but next street met a woman
off to her survivor meeting
she was like
They tell us to get over it
but how are we...
we cope...we exist..
no one takes us serious
I know
so in two blocks two radically
different people
and if I drifted about
the top brass sitting about
would have talked to
me.....People that
run big companies
hold stocks in the mall
or put together structures
big contractors...
big people...

thats me...
this is what I have always
meet the people
gather intel
and band together my
wolves when I need
them and disband them
like nothing happened
at all


author comment

I enjoy reading your replies to comments, but I enjoy your poetry greatly. Nice work again. Regards Roscoe...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

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