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A Drop of Time

I fill my days
With the stars of the night
Looking for a dream
Not a dream though
Someone like me

Something or someone different
Dare to dance in the twilight
A drop of rain, a drop of time
What could have been
In another place, in another time

I've know you for but a second
But it feels like eternity
Standing here facing each other
Tell me what you see
A friend in you a friend in me

As I stand in front of the mirror
Through the window of life
As time passes me by
To sit and wait for the
Lonely stars at night
To wait for you in my final breath

Waiting for the time
To bring the past
Back to the present

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 


lest not too
Many dont..
spoiled and vinegar
But I prefer the wine
breathing air
fresh uncorked
with new eyes

I dream
I wonder and ponder
and hope

cause I love
that which smells
of beauty and hope

Thank U!

Mr Wolf!

I Dream in the past
A half believed
Once upon a time

I wish I still believed in Prince Charming and my Knight in Shining Armor, but Prince Charming is dead and my Knight in Shining Armor no longer shines. I am alone in this world and I will die alone. Except for my 27 cats lol......

Thanks for reading my poem !

author comment

Percival didnt wake the court??
cats? reminds me...
we had two..
and the clay litter in the box from
wal mart weighs a ton
and I was always getting and water
twenty four plastic bottles and
a shitload of other supplies..
big assed packsack....Weigh in
always with each trip the two
miles and back roughly sixty
pounds! after a day of work..
in winter shovelling the driveway
laundry humping up and down
the flights..Three floors...
Store runs! for treats and
coffee.....Broke my clavicle
it was healing and cats needed
litter....put on the packsack
and the clavicle came apart
and I had too keep working
at work...Needed the money
it never healed..
Broke my foot and kept biking
would rather hop and push
a grocery cart and get supplies
for the ladies and I then...
(Princess was working...and I
sure didnt expect her idea of
a man...mere "Boy" to pitch
in...although he pretty much
Lived here..would rather that
then see her off at someones
place Non family..)
bone came apart in my foot
more x-rays....Biked over
with broken foot to hospital
and left with a walking boot
but took that off next day
back to work and biking
in three...all of it hurt
like hell....Im crazy..
said I look like Tim Roth
from planet of the apes
the dominant crazy ape..
(Love Time Roths characters..
1900 is a good movie)\
they likened me to silverback the hospital
from five till ten...Bunni
more health issues...nurses
kept asking me to just stay
in the curtianed bed area
busy but not crazy in there
that day....

We have ideas of what a
good mate is...I like that
prince charming is gone
and that the knight is no
longer shinning...a realistic
Cats at least like dogs pack
up with U....they do show
much affection and have
much personalities!

Thank U!

Love cats not a big dog fan. BIG dogs are ok, but I can't stand little dogs. THEY are always barking and jumping on you. Dogs are just to damn friendly, give me a cat they can take you or leave you lol......

Had a great time shopping, found this wonderful mirror, like a Victorian mirror, I have always wanted one. Looks great in my bedroom, I feel like a Fairy princess lol.....

author comment

then a laugh...lived on the reserve or First Nations as they call it now..
for a spell..I return and see them about in numbers
the ones I know..a few of the more punk versions are a tad up with
the front but this is a military town..cop town...and italian still..
Been about small dogs much....little dog with big attitude....I dont
know..I grew up with hunting dogs...sled animals...rottweilers...
Dobermans...Irish Elkhounds...Rhodesian redback..some pitties
was near a few danes...The dog Bunni got is a shar pei...and
shes a tad agressive...but I got her under control enough thanks
to a cop dog trainer whose been in the business for years...
I like my dogs and my people to be capable something...
They drop the bomb tommorrow or a city of dog
can track or hunt...we both can carry packs...
I think Prep...but not all about guns people
supply runs..medics helper..stretcher bearer...wireless.. prep...laundry..cooks...waste handler..
building....tons of things to do...Maybe all the contruction
and hanging with people with the weapons and connects
bikes and trucks..dune buggies out there huge properties
machine shops...restoration of vehicles of all types...
and the intown brass I am getting to know here pays off..

Shopping is so good for the soul....Victorian Mirror!
wonderful.....the "room" setting......Thats great Jasmine!
I used to have lots of things...
and the girls I met always have cool stuff
great design sense...
sure they are out there...
wild...they had me..
skull shirts and some
funky wear..

but brilliant...

Victorian Mirror..
so it would have pure
silver on the back
or if commercial
looks great!

Way to go!

Mr Esker!

Mirror is not real just looks Victorian, at least to me and that is all that matters!

It is raining here and do we need it!! I love the rain and storms, the thunder and lightning! But we never get enough, nothing but sunshine around here. I know I should not complain when other parts of the US have awful weather. But to much sunshine can also be a bad thing.

Wishing you a wonderful Friday

author comment

Treasures are our pleasures
that fill the eyes with happiness
and settle the soul!

Thunder and storms are exciting
We had our snow the other day
not much storms this year
a good thing!

but I miss em!

Thank U!
Mr Wolf!

If you don't like the weather in California, just give it 15 minutes! This moring it was in the 50's and raining, this afternoon is was hot and sunshine, got to love it!!

Been busy, installed a new toilet seat and put a light in my closet. Just moved to a apartment in town, the house was built in the 40's and has no lights in the ceiling, but for the kitchen and bathroom. I guess in the 40's everyone was into lamps. I use to live in the country, in the middle of a walnut orchard.

author comment

stanza 3 first verse "known".I love the imagery. As much as we love the past, sometimes we just have to move forward to make more beautiful memories or we'll missed out in life. At least that's what I think. Sometimes you just have to just go for it. Losing a loved one can be painful but as we grow, we become a different person and our views in love and relationship might change.

I used to think that you can fall in love with only one person but I have seen people who had a divorce and find love again. One thing that I notice is that they are persistent and always styrive to be better. At least, that's what I have seen and what I think.

All the best

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