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Desk drawn

Is is snowing? raining? wolves on the lawn...
the aircraft coming in on their approach
behind the picture window.. I can see
them too from where I sleep...
in fall the window open just a peep...
Love the sounds of the city at night

Sometimes you visit
and we tour the web...people faces
before you settle in
and the screen is like a fire to our
your legs up on the table crossed
near the speakers
the fans white noise steady
soothing the backdrop to dream
to awaken
typing leaning time itself
you know flies faster then for me
and U know I dont care anywa

just the screen of the LCD

your arm drapes overtop mine
and shifts
draw your feet around my grounded
legs and put their tops and toes
about my intimate control

I read all the madness and comfort
like a psychic reads their touch
U are the tilt and whirl and Im the Haunted

I want summer dresses not summer spandex
observe not merge

so it has been
so it shall

but in the labrirynth
where you met me well


Editing stage: 


Excellent glad I found this poem. Regards Roscoe....

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

the worlds most powerful
have the powerless muses
does a detective let his girls
handle his revolver
because they want to feel
his power
No...not unless instructions
are given
Do U enter a dangerous or
intel bar with a wild untamed
opposite and let her fly off
No..unless U want the foxhouse
to be in shambles from the

Trust in letting loose the control
like hearing beethovens moonlight
sonata...really hearing it
like someone holding your face
with their hands and forcing U too
really look into their eyes..
When U can read the horror
and hate in their hearts
with your intuition and soul
from all the years of doing
and someone still wants to
have their story imprinted
on the very close of timid

no two cases are the same
but there are those lives
that haunt U more then
your own haunted existance
leave you shaken and
(Note i did not say shock
and awe)

some never get an oppurtunity
to have an even more stronger
equal of gifts
come and settle the savage breast
the humanity
not the horror...
yet we know
the horror

I am so glad we have
the intuition friend
it is a careful gift
in the malestrom
of the grist
of the everyday

Thank You Roscoe!!

Mr Wolf!

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