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porter watchs the glass
a night of seamless visage
interrupted by the clatter
of carriage trucks hammering
across the bolted joints

My pretti charge
you rest upon the pulled down
bed while the world slips past
behind the blinds

the coach rolling through a world
pursuing a dream
and against my chest in handcraft
leather by a babushka of talent
is the mouth of the wolf
sleeping with hand tooled grips
dazzle pearl that I let you
examine the chambers open

how the world waits
and you hurtle through dreams
the serpent curving
its voice screaming at the village
stations we skip

your plaintive voice climbs
in sleep and my gloved hand
upon your brow settles you

sleep my charge sleep

Porter please arrive with
my Vodka
and Holy Father forgive me
but the wolves are hungry
and the raven upon boarding
told me
secrets of the city
in his harsh croak
and whistle prophesies

Druchniak aboard this express
I rest with one eye open
and the hot fire upon my tongue
and in my belly
and the spring coiled serpent
against my chest

rest my precious
across the steppe
we fly wingless
by the steam beast

Editing stage: 


Sometimes you make me work at your poetry, this is exceptional,.
The Orient Express or trans Canadian railway, but will lean toward the Orient as the vista and the drink pointed east of Eden in its beauty.
I hope others can find time to travel on this journey, I wonder where you find these words and I know that the theme is from a free Spirit that can flow over any type of worldly terrain with a deep seated longing to shed a Café's view to that of a rolling countryside.
Fly well young friend and visit us here when you can, Yours, Yenti.

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

about how some give up the perception of freedom
to serve
a master

the train is periphery
the poison is adaptable

service is entirely different
then just a travel voyage
or want there of

but a duty of responsibility
that not many can accept
nor handle

Thank You

author comment

You hide these things from readers eyes, I can see the meanings sorry you had to be more in depth, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

only because no one was there for the cause and I like causes
hopless causes seem more Romantic or something
or outnumbered ones

ecsperience and contact now is what I have from those times
I pretty much came out with what i went in with
Today I sit in coffee shops and I dont need to travel
I did all that for a spell

I build things I removed things
I alterered things
and people

and I too was affected
If I wasnt there watching over someone
on a voyage someone else would be
and who would I want there?

sometimes I could have just left
and I did
service sure isnt about money or intimacy
its about sharing
if there is no love no understanding of the
business then its just slave
tidings which are okay if all understand
this arrangement

I worked for the love of those I served

I could have had such a different life maybe
and my poems would have been about
different things

Thank You

author comment
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