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d r e a m d a r c h e

Silver infection
the fingers of time
have slipped behind
an edge and travelled
like a forest mould
Albino branches
pure as Hemlock
in the sliver of reflection
A tub faucet whispers
and drips
weeping in the darkness
a windowlight is faint
this far into its reach
Twilight era
between morning or
dusk and the black
of Midnight
Those dance dreamers
knocking loose the
thumbtack illusions
on the wall
of delusion
falling like useless
too dust and snow
even the clocks grown
still..the battery
has perished

an arm in light trickling
through thick shades
has its downy allusion
like a field of snow
porcelain with its
golden sheaves
a delicate chain
and curled lashes

above in a day
in a year of a past
or a future chosen
an arch of blue
with its marbled
visage slides
graceful and dark
like a bottle of
poison..a tonic
of cure
Loves Illness
on her way
taking with me
the tenderest
the choice
of her meal


Editing stage: 


The flow is good and it is dreamy. I like it because the words take me into a realm which has no substance. Still, it is not void. Just a feeling it is, so to say. However, I would like to find an alternative word to replace "wing" in the verse "falling like useless wings."


an expansion......excellent
nice too send that out too me
I know your writing style is
more fluid....I know mine is narrow gauge..

thank U!

author comment

A drift of time spent dreaming of thoughts floating away, as snowflakes no direction, drifting where the movement of air takes them as your words.
Good write and vivid pictures of peace with ones dreams.
Yours Ian..

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Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

was thinking Useless "why's"
"ways" would have been too stunted
stymie the flow..."ways" too close
too waves as "why's" sounds
domecile as "wives"
Breathless Why's
like sighs and the letting go
the slumping
tension..heaviness slipping
from the wings

U have me thinking


author comment

A written dream is much more, it excludes all feelings of that weightless drifting from one place to the next.
There grasping at the breath of a child, putting it into a livid picture of being, then you have a classic indeed.
In some of my writes such as where I was on the wing of a butterfly, where the dusty fields welled up at my feet, then again on the sunflower as a bee, that watched as Van Gogh was shot.
There is another great world out there, as with your burning rubber catching the breath of even those that couldn't be there.
This is poetry and story telling at its best, you say it has you thinking then let your great way with words put that feeling into your think.
There another world will meander past your eyes, and then let us read those words.
Yours as always Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

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