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My strength is waning
and my will grows weak.
What are these creatures
dark and unforgiving
that bind my soul
in chains of fear
and sicken my heart
to near dying.

Editing stage: 


these are only imaginative creatures of course, I believe.
I know you have enough faith to get rid of your fears.
All in all that was an eloquent read.
Thanks for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Thank you, Rula. They are metaphors of my disease, It san be a d a rk and horrific place to be, and I live it every day.

author comment

the collywobbles - always looking to start summink.

nice work

a song of youth..
the creatures...I feel them at moments
and see them in our human compatriots
stripped versions of humanity with their
falseness....and something more vivid
and frightening at times..

and the regular lair of ghosts that fill my
dream sequences
I wake sometimes from terrible dreams
to go through a terrible day
and wonder at the end of it
with that feeling like residual
what was that all about!

on my cell phone is a sticker I cut out
from a magazine that sells stickers
boxes and all sorts of Kipple....(Phillip K Dick)
a medical sticker...but small and legible
to my phone.
Allergic to....(with appropriate boxes to check
of the usual stuff..Peanuts Pennicillin .(the P stuff
seems to be poisonous a lot)

I scribbled on the blank line

so if I get hit and smooshed...a great fear..
closed casket.....No enjoyment of laying
there while those scowled or smiled down
but a scraped together visage
with the batteries pulled out

the first on the scene would find
the phone...maybe
and say..
Alas!! we can help him!
and realize....Oh no..there is no antidote for

my odd sense of humor..

I hate mirrors...
the shadows
spirits..ah yes..
many of those about

our culture..the ojibway and
viking/scot has many

its like we are on an Iceberg
just the machines keeping in

I saw a sea beast rise and sun itself
and a gull landed for a moment or two
strange lights at night
and a freighter full of cargo boxes
dumping waste

I walked everywhere today
for two bags of food
thirty dollars in work hours
but busted my hump doing it
but drank a pot of coffee on the
company dime
froze my ass off walking home
but saw the beautiful little
pond forest.....
wondering when I got home
in the midst of another row
of words......cruel and mean
I never escaped my own past
and become what I hated
myself..a mean cruel spiteful

I know my lurking spirits
like wolves we feared
terrible up here
we were taught they were
cunning and give no
quarter....not mere oversized
dogs but spirit animals too

I like the creative eye you still
retain and your dispatches
in poetry

there was a bit of heaven one time
and a lot of hell

I smile ruefully here..
Thank You Geremia!

I have similar days, but I need to believe there is more heaven in us than hell. I've seen evil, which affirmed my belief that there is good. AS I feel myself dying I see more clearly and wonder not WHY but FOR WHAT REASON, My mother lost a child [boy] who lived only 8 hours, A year later I was born as a ""replacement'' . i think he was the lucky one. Yet, there has to be a reason,. or we are all lost to our demons.

Christus tecum!


author comment

Dad was a Dutch descendant..His father worked the gran trunk which turned to Canadian National
before that My grandfather..Adopted side at three months..But they gave me the name so I am family.
He was a teamster hauling bricks for the italians downtown Toronto...Then he came north and worked
on the Scotia Junction link...Renfrew east...Honey Harbour west...Toronto Allandale Subdivision south
and North Bay city north. All the crews in the forties and fifties and sixties and seventies the bosses
came from North Bay..Roadmasters.....Steve Bucyk. I remember the big black Chrysler..the Fedora
hat and his love of Black Velvet whiskey with railroad stories at the kitchen table in the afternoon..Im
pretty sure our family of Schamehorns named their boys in his honor and both families went on to
be involved in the railroad....Except me....But I love the railroad or subway and bus systems...Transit
it important for all whom have no acess to a vehicle to get their supplies.....and oddly enough in a
way thus it is with life.....Genes are transportation in vessels be it the women who carry us to term
and raise us or send us out in the world as was my case....I just lost a half brother to life...something
and he was found on the tracks run over by a train..lived for nine days..same time I was gambling with
my own within days of it...Maybe we are sensitive to fall changes......

But there is a reason and a purpose....there is a God...too many good things happened to me and in
homage I have my understanding to try to do likewise....With all the human elelments that go with it..

In the old days families lost many....My grandmother had four boys die in all less then a year and she
kept trying and finally on the fifth had a boy who had a spinal bubble....but he lived under her care
and became my adoptive father..So Yes my friend..There is a reason..

Thank You!

tremendous open poem about feeling and question and fear

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