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CONTAGIO................................................orchid dust....

the windmill shadow
like a sorrowed hush of dusk

Decline we the
singular mulitude
swirling round the mind hive

round clockwork

while the sky whimpers
and souls burn

Editing stage: 


This seems like a ballet of the girl in the music box when the lid is opened and she is released to dance, but then again this whispers of futility..
Then your title of the contagion that can kill so many without a question as to who.
At least you make us think and seek many words, Thank you..
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

its interesting to see how people see..
I was thinking audience

the result wave
of that dance

all the multitude amazed at her talent
her skill
the participating wonder


not just poison

but most people just see it as that

poetry is not just the first thing that comes
to mind always
I dont think anyway

Thank You

author comment

i read the pollution of earth

just love
'while the sky whimpers
and souls burn'

a thought-provoking write esker - as usual lol
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

performance art I love
a friend did it part time
funding for others
it was a way of life a passion

Im just a sketchy sketcher at best
and a part time author
funded by empathy and kindess

I thank all those
for attending this poem

author comment
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