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Con Artist

Con artist

I'm not the Con artist you made me to be,
You just wanted to change peoples view of me.
Claiming that I am an abuser,
And telling people I am a user.
You tell me to "say it to your face",
Yet you say you'll give me my space.
In a messaged dated on Facebook and signed,
Oh how very divine.....
I see now you're two faced and everything you called me,
everything you shouted from the tops of the trees.
Gimme a break crazy woman I cater to your son,
Yet I feel like it's over, I feel like it's done.
You and I were two peas in a pod,
You chew me out and I just nod.
This won't go anywhere from here but south,
And lady that's because you have a BIG mouth!!!.
I'm standing below you all by my self,
So for now I put my heart on a shelf.
But one day you'll know I'm not a Con artist.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Last few words: 
This is about a fight my mother-in-law and I had back in november that has not been resolved due to her BIG mouth. It's been on my mind a lot, I just felt like writing about it. Thanks .
Editing stage: 


that's right, stick it to the (wo)man! lol. but nice write.

Defenitely a good angry rant stemming from personal wounding and hurts. the title fits.

always cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Big fight with the mother-in-law quite a while back and it still hasn't been resolved. She's going around telling people that know both her and I how much of a liar and con artist I am. I'd like nothing more than to slap her. But I must show respect seems how she is my fiances mother. It's been bugging me so I must "write it out".
After writing this last night I had a dream about her, She and I made up and went to a pet store LOLLOL
I don't see it ever being fixed, like i stated in the poem she got a BIG mouth. lol
Thanks for reading I enjoyed writing.


author comment

Did not have to be told to deduce this was about a mother in law. So the intent to convey a point was successful for me.........stan

Why would I be mad at you????
Thank you for your kind words on my poem.
Yes I was very upset when I wrote it. It made me feel better to write.
Thanks again lonnie.


author comment
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